Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/87

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terial belief, in all its manifestations, reversed, will be found the type and representative of verities priceless, eternal, and just at hand.

The education of the future will be instruction, in spiritual Science, against the material symbolic counterfeit sciences. All the knowledge and vain strivings of mortal mind, that lead to death, — even when aping the wisdom and magnitude of immortal Mind, — will be swallowed up by the reality and omnipotence of Truth over error, and of Life over death.

Dear Mrs. Eddy: — In the October Journal I read the following: ‘But the real man, who was created in the image of God, does not commit sin.’ What then does sin? What commits theft? Or who does murder? For instance, the man is held responsible for the crime; for I went once to a place where a man was said to be ‘hanged for murder’ — and certainly I saw him, or his effigy, dangling at the end of a rope. This ‘man' was held responsible for the ‘sin.’ ”

What sins?

According to the Word, man is the image and likeness of God. Does God's essential likeness sin, or dangle at the end of a rope? If not, what does? A culprit, a sinner, — anything but a man! Then, what is a sinner? A mortal; but man is immortal.

Again: mortals are the embodiments (or bodies, if you please) of error, not of Truth; of sickness, sin, and death. Naming these His embodiment, can neither make them so nor overthrow the logic that man is God's likeness. Mortals seem very material; man in the likeness