Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/88

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of Spirit is spiritual. Holding the right idea of man in my mind, I can improve my own, and other people's individuality, health, and morals; whereas, the opposite image of man, a sinner, kept constantly in mind, can no more improve health or morals, than holding in thought the form of a boa-constrictor can aid an artist in painting a landscape.

Man is seen only in the true likeness of his Maker. Believing a lie veils the truth from our vision; even as in mathematics, in summing up positive and negative quantities, the negative quantity offsets an equal positive quantity, making the aggregate positive, or true quantity, by that much, less available.

Why do Christian Scientists hold that their theology is essential to heal the sick, when the mind-cure claims to heal without it?

The theology of Christian Science is Truth; opposed to which is the error of sickness, sin, and death, that Truth destroys.

A “mind-cure” is a matter-cure. An adherent to this method honestly acknowledges this fact in her work entitled “Mind-cure on a Material Basis.” In that work the author grapples with Christian Science, attempts to solve its divine Principle by the rule of human mind, fails, and ends in a parody on this Science which is amusing to astute readers, — especially when she tells them that she is practising this Science.

The theology of Christian Science is based on the action of the divine Mind over the human mind and body; whereas, “mind-cure” rests on the notion that the human mind can cure its own disease, or that which it causes,