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cation, which enable me to establish it as a genus distinct from any yet described.

To this new genus I have given the name of my friend Captain King, who, during his important surveys of the Coasts of New Holland, formed valuable collections in several departments of Natural History, and on all occasions gave every assistance in his power to Mr. Cunningham, the indefatigable botanist who accompanied him. The name is also intended as a mark of respect to the memory of the late Captain Philip Gidley King, who, as Governor of New South Wales, materially forwarded the objects of Captain Flinders' voyage; and to whose friendship Mr. Ferdinand Bauer and myself were indebted for important assistance in our pursuits while we remained in that colony.


Ord. Nat. Junceæ prope Dasypogon, Calectasiam et Xerotem.

Char. Gen. Perianthium sexpartitum, regulare, glumaceum, persistens. Stamina sex, fere hypogyna: Antheris basi affixis. Ovarium triloculare, loculis monospermis; ovulis adscendentibus. Stylus 1. Stigma tridentatum. Pericarpium exsuccum, indehiscens, monospermum, perianthio scarioso cinctum.

Planta facie XanthorrhϾ elatioris. Caudex arborescens cicatricibus basibusve foliorum exasperatus? Folia caudicem terminantia confertissima longissima, figura et dispositione XanthorrhϾ. Pedunculi numerosi foliis breviores, bracteis vaginantibus imbricatis tecti, floriferi terminales erecti, mox, caudice parum elongato foliisque novellis productis, laterales, et divaricati vel deflexi, terminali capitulo denso globoso ftoribus tribracteatis.

Kingia Australis. Tab. C.[1]

Desc. Caudex arborescens erectus simplicissimus cylin-

  1. See note at p. 187