Page:Morgan Philips Price - Siberia (1912).djvu/21

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CHAPTER VI—continued
Trader's House—Cosmopolitan Society—Tartars in all Stages of Russification—I visit a Chinese Trader's House—Social Surroundings of the Chinaman—His Economic Superiority to the Siberian—I wander among the Siberian Fur Traders of the Upper Yenisei—A Typical Fur Trader's Hut Surroundings—The Dense Forest—Character of the Siberian Fur Trader—His Independence—His Intelligence—His Fatalism—His Contact with Nature and the Effect on his Life and Ideals.
History of the Colonization and Social Evolution of Siberia 169
Earliest Finnish Races in Siberia—The Coming of the Turkish Races—The Tartar Khanate of Siberia—Relations with the Russians—The Conquest of Sibir—Cossack Colonization of Siberia—Reasons for Russia's Advance—Convict Settlements of Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries—Their Dangerous Influence on Siberian Society—The Coming of the Peasant Immigrant—Political and Criminal Prisoners in Siberia at the Present Time—Modern Administrative System in Siberia—Growth of Public Opinion—The Early Relations between Russians and Native Siberians—Russian Influence upon them—Types of the modern Siberian Natives.
Present Economic Conditions of Western and Central Siberia 205
1. General Geographical Conditions. 2. Western Siberia and the Altai—Physical Zones, Administrative Areas, Population and Immigration—Wheat Cultivation—The Dairy Industry, its Growth and Importance—Live-Stock Industry—Forests and the Possibilities of the Timber Trade—The Fur Trade—Mining—Commerical and Industrial Centres of Western Siberia. 3. Central Siberia (Yenisei Government)—Physical Zones, Population and Immigration—Agriculture—The Live-Stock Industry—Fishing—The Fur Trade—Mining—Prospects of Industrial Development and the Commercial Centres of Central Siberia.