Page:Morgan Philips Price - Siberia (1912).djvu/22

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The Economic Future of Siberia 213
The Economic Condition of the Siberian Peasant—Possibilities for Investment in Land—In Public Works—In Commerce—Legal Rights of Foreign Companies in Russia—Mining Rights in Siberia—British Consular Representation and the Need for its Improvement—Railways and other Communications in Siberia, (1) History of the Great Siberian Railway. (2) Projected Railways in Western Siberia. (3) Central Siberia and its Communications. (4) The All-Sea Yenisei Route, its Possibilities and its Difficulties.
Mongolia, in its Present Economic and Political Relation to the Russian and Chinese Empire) 261
1. Physical Characters of Mongolia. 2. Early Russo-Chinese Relations. 3. Administrative Authorities in Mongolia. 4. The Natives of Mongolia. 5. Mongolia as an Asiatic Market—(1) Its External Trade. (2) Currency. (3) Russo-Chinese System of Credit. (4) Mongolian Imports and Exports. (5) The Future of Mongolia's Trade Relations—(6) The present Political Situation in Mongolia.
Index 305