Page:Mycenaean Troy.djvu/93

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agra,[1] Lebadea,[2] Delphi,[3] Daulis,[4] Goura (Phthiotis), Dimini[5] (three miles to the west of Volo, the ancient Iolcus), Melos[6] (four superimposed settlements, the last of which is Mycenaean), Ialysus[7] (in Rhodes), Thera,[8] Crete[9] (prehistoric palace at

Fig. 32 - False-Necked Amphora from Crete

Fig. 32.False-Necked Amphora from Crete

Cnosus, and extensive Mycenaean remains at Goulas, Gortyna, Courtes, Kavousi, Marathokephala,

  1. Furtwängler und Löschcke, op. cit., 43.
  2. Ibid., 42.
  3. Frazer, op. cit. V, 398; Bulletin de Corresp. Hellénique, 18, 195.
  4. Furtwängler und Löschcke, op. cit., 43.
  5. Frazer, op. cit., III, 140; Mitth. Ath., 9, 99.
  6. Annual Report of British School, 3, 1.
  7. Frazer, op. cit., III, 147; Furtwängler und Löschcke, op. cit., 1.
  8. Fouqué, Santorin et ses Éruptions.
  9. A. J. Evans, Journal of Hellenic Studies; Halbherr, American Journal of Archaeology; Boyd, American Journal of Archaeology.