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Gerenia), Arkina[1] (six hours from Sparta), Vaphio[2] (the ancient Pharis; cups of exquisite workmanship found), Pylus[3] (Nestor's home), Phigalia,[4] Masarakata[5] (in Cephallenia), Megara,[6] Menidi[7] (seven miles from Athens), Spata[8] (nine miles from Athens), Thoricus[9] (in Attica), Acropolis of Athens[10] (prehistoric palace), Halike[11] (ancient Halae Aixonides, southeast of Athens), Kapandriti[12] (ancient Aphidna), Eleusis,[13] Salamis,[14] Aegina,[15] Calauria,[16] Gha[17] (near Lake Copaïs, identified by some with the Homeric Arne; extensive remains of prehistoric palace found), Orchomenos[18] ("Treasury of Minyas"), Thebes,[19] Tan-

  1. Frazer, op. cit., III, 136; Ἐφημερὶς ἀρχαιολογική, 1889, 132.
  2. Frazer, op. cit., III, 134; Gardner, New Chapters in Greek History, 70; Brunn, Griechische Kunstgeschichte, I, 46.
  3. Frazer, op. cit., V, 608; Bulletin de Corresp. Hellénique, 20, 388.
  4. Milchöfer, Anfänge der Kunst in Griechenland, 54.
  5. Wolters, Mitth. Ath., 19, 488.
  6. Furtwängler und Löschcke, Mykenische Vasen, 53.
  7. Frazer, op. cit., III, 137; Lolling, Mitth. Ath., 12, 139.
  8. Frazer, op. cit., III, 143; Mitth. Ath., 2, 82.
  9. Fraser, op. cit., III, 138, Δελτίον ἀρχαιολογικόν, 1890, 159.
  10. Tsountas and Manatt, op. cit., p. 8.
  11. Ibid., p. 9.
  12. Frazer, op. cit., III, 144.
  13. Furtwängler und Löschcke, op. cit., 40; Gazette archéologique, 8, 248.
  14. Tsountas and Manatt, op. cit., 387.
  15. Ibid., 388–394; Evans, Journal of Hellenic Studies, XIII, 195.
  16. Frazer, op. cit., V, 596; Mitth. Ath., 20, 267.
  17. Frazer, op. cit., V, 121; Tsountas and Manatt, op. cit., 374.
  18. Frazer, op. cit., V, 188.
  19. Furtwängler und Loschcke, op. cit., 43.