Page:Myths of Mexico and Peru.djvu/475

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Aac, Prince. In the story of Queen Móo, 240, 244-245, 246

Acalan. District in Guatemala; race-movements and, 150

Acllacuna (Selected Ones). Body of maidens from whom victims for sacrifice were taken in Peru, 313

Aclla-huasi. Houses in which the Acllacuna lived, 313

Acolhuacan. District in Mexico,26

Acolhuans (or Acolhuaque) (People of the Broad Shoulder). Mexican race, 26; said to have founded Mexico, 26; a pure Nahua race, perhaps the Toltecs, 26; their supremacy, 48

Acolhuaque.See Acolhuans

Acosta, José de. Work on Mexican lore, 58

Acsumama. Guardian spirit of the potato plant in Peru, 295

Acxitl. Toltec king, son of Huemac II, 17, 19

Acxopil. Ruler of the Kiche, 158-159

Agoreros (or Mohanes). Members of Peruvian tribes who claimed power as oracles, 297-298, 314

Ahuizotl. Mexican king, 30

Ah-zotzils. a Maya tribe, 172

Akab-sib (Writing in the Dark). A bas-relief at El Castillo, Chichen-Itza, 190

Aké. Maya ruins at, 186-187

America. Superficial resemblance between peoples, customs, and art-forms of Asia and, I; civilisation, native origin of, 1-2, 3, 328; animal and plant life peculiar to, 2; man, origin of, in, 2; geographical connection between Asia and, 3; traditions of intercourse between Asia and, 3; Chinese Fu-Sang and, 3; possible Chinese and Japanese visits to. 3-4; Coronado's expedition to, 4; legends of intercourse between Europe and, 4; "Great Ireland”' probably the same as, 4; St. Brandan's voyage and, 4; reached by early Norsemen, 5; the legend of Madoc and, 5-6; early belief in, respecting incursions from the east, 6; prophecy of Chilan Balam recoming of white men to, 8

America, Central. Indigenous origin of civilisation of, I; legend of Toltec migration to, 20

Anahuac (By the Water). Native name of the Mexican plateau, 18. See Mexico

Ancestor-worship in Peru, 296

Andeans. The prehistoric civilisation of, 249-250; architectural remains of, 250

Antahuayllas. Peruvian tribe, 284

Antilia.Legends of, have no connection with American myth, 6

Anti-suyu. One of the four racial divisions of ancient Peru, 255

Apinguela. Island on Lake Titicaca; Huaina Ccapac and the lake-goddess and, 299

Apocatequil. Peruvian thunder-god, the "Prince of Evil"; in a creation-myth, 301-302

Apu-Ccapac (Sovereign Chief). Title of the Inca rulers, 248

"Apu-Ollanta." a drama-legend of the Incas, 251-253

Apurimac (Great Speaker). River in Peru; regarded as an oracle, 296

Aqua. A bird-maiden; in the myth of origin of the Canaris, 319

Arara (Fire-bird). Same as Kinich-ahau, which see

Architecture. I. Of the Nahua, 31-34. II. Of the Maya, 149-150, 178-198; the most individual expression of the people, 178; Yucatan exhibits the most perfect specimens, and the decadent phase, 178;