Page:Myths of Mexico and Peru.djvu/476

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methods of building, 178-179; ignorance of some first principles, 179; mural decoration 179; pyramidal buildings, 180 definiteness of design, 180 architectural districts, 181; not of great antiquity, 182; Father Burgoa on the palace at Mitla, 199-201. III. Of the Incas, 268-269; the art in which the race showed greatest advance, 268; Sir Clements Markham on, 269

Arriaga, P. J. de. On stone-worship in Peru, 293

Art. Early American, superficial resemblance to that of Asia, I; native origin and unique character of American, 1-2; Toltec, 23; Peruvians weak in, 248

Asia. Origin of early American culture erroneously attributed to, I; man originally came to America from, 2; former land-connection between America and, 3; traditions of intercourse between America and, 3

Ataguju. Supreme divinity of the Peruvians; in a creation-myth, 301

Atamalqualiztli (Fast of Porridge-balls and Water). Nahua festival, 77

Atatarho. Mythical wizard-king of the Iroquois, 72

Atauhuallpa. Son of the Inca Huaina Ccapac; strives for the crown with Huascar, 289-290

Atl(Water). Mexican deity; often confounded with the moon-goddess, 106

Atlantis. Legends of, have no connection with American myth, 6

Auqui (Warrior). Peruvian order of knighthood; instituted by Pachacutic, 287

Avendano, Hernandez de. And Peruvian fetishes, 295

Avilix. The god assigned to Balam-Agab in the Kiche story of the creation, 230; turned into stone, 231

Axaiacatzin, King. Father of Chachiuhnenetzin, the vicious wife of Nezahualpilli, 129

Axayacatl. Mexican king, 92

Aymara. Peruvian race, 254-255; fusion with Quichua, 285-286

Azangaro. The Sondor-huasi at, 269

Azcapozalco. Mexican town, 26; rivalry with Tezcuco, 49; Aztecs and, 52

Aztecs (or Azteca) (Crane People). A nomad Mexican tribe, 27, 50-51; racial affinities, 27; character, 27-28; Tlascalans and, 26; founders of Tenochtitlan (Mexico), 27; their science, 43; in bondage to Colhuacan, 51; allied with Tecpanecs, 51; war with Tecpanecs, 52; development of the empire, 52; commercial expansion, 52; their tyranny, 52-53; their conception of eternity, 55; the priesthood, 114-117; idea of the origin of mankind, 123; a migration myth of, 233

Aztlan (Crane Land). Traditional place of origin of Nahua, II; Aztecs and, 50, 233


Bacabs. Genii in Maya mythology, 170

Balam-Agab (Tiger of the Night). One of the first men of the Popol Vuh myth, 229, 230

Balam-Quitze (Tiger with the Sweet Smile). An ancestor of the Maya, 188; one of the first men of the Popol Vuh myth, 229, 230

Balon Zacab. Form of the Maya rain-god, 176

Bat. Typical of the underworld, 96

Bat-god. Maya deity, known also as Camazotz, 171-172

Birth-cycle. In Mexican calendar, 39, 41