Page:Myths of Mexico and Peru.djvu/477

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Bochica. Sun-god of the Chibchas, 276

Bogota. City at which the Zippa of the Chibchas lived, 276

Boturini Benaduci, L. His work on Mexican lore, 58

Bourbourg, The Abbé Bras-

seur de. Version of Nahua flood-myth, 122-133

Brandan, St. Probable voyage to America, 4

Brinton, D. G. Theory as to the Toltecs, 21; on Quetzalcoatl, 81; translation of a poem on the Peruvian thunder god myth, and comments on the myth, 300-301

Burgoa, Father. Account of a confession ceremony, 108-110; description of Mitla, 199-206


Cabrakan (Earthquake) Son of Vukub-Cakix; in a Kiche myth in the Popol Vuh, 211, 213, 216-219

Cabrera, Don Felix. And the Popol Vuh, 207

Cachapucara. Hill; Thonapa and, 319-320

Caha-Paluma (Falling Water). One of the first women of thePopol Vuh myth, 230

Cakixa (Water of Parrots). One of the first women of the Popol Vuh myth, 230

Cakulha-Hurakan (Lightning). A sub-god of Hurakan, 237

Calderon, Don José. And Palenque, 182

Calendar. I. The Mexican, 38-41; an essential feature in the national life, 38; resemblance to Maya and Zapotec calendric systems, 38, 169; possible Toltec origin, 39; the year, 39; the "binding of years," 39, 40; the solar year, 39; the nemon- temi, 39; the "birth-cycle," 39, 41; the cempohualli, or"months," 39-40; the ecclesiastical system, 40; the xiu-malpilli, 40; the ceremony of toxilmolpilia, 41. II. The Maya; similarities to calendar of the Nahua, 38, 169. III. The Peruvian, 265-266, 313

Callca. Place in Peru; sacred rocks found at, 293

Camaxtli. War-god of the Tlascalans, 111

Camazotz. The bat-god, called also Zotzilaha Chimalman, 171-172, 226; a totem of the Ah-zotzils, a Maya tribe, 172

Camulatz. Bird in the Kiche story of the creation, 209

Canaris. Indian tribe; the myth of their origin, 318-319

Canek. King of Chichen-Itza; the story of, 189

Cannibalism. Among the Mexicans, 45

Capacahuana. Houses for pilgrims to Titicaca at, 311

Carapucu. I. Hill; in myth of Thonapa, 320. II. Lake; in myth of Thonapa, 320

Caravaya. Mountain; in myth of Thonapa, 320

Carmenca. The hill of, at Cuzco; pillars on, for determining the solstices, 265-266, 287

Caruyuchu Huayallo. Peruvian deity to whom children were sacrificed; in a myth of Paricaca, 326

Casa del Adivino (The Prophet's House). Ruin at Uxmal, called also "The Dwarf's House," 192; the legend relating to, 192-194

Casa del Gobernador (Governor's Palace). Ruin at Uxmal, 191

Casas Grandes (Large Houses). Mexican ruin, 32

Castillo, El. Ruined pyramid-temple at Chichen-Itza, 188, 190

Cauac. A minor Maya deity, 170

Cavillaca. A maiden; the myth of Coniraya Viracocha and, 321-323

Caxamarca. Inca fortress, 290