Page:Narrative of a Voyage around the World - 1843.djvu/153

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meter, and several other articles of his own manufacture. He was kind enough to volunteer his services on one or two of our sick barometers, and succeeded effectually. Notwithstanding he only spoke Russian, of which I knew nothing, we managed to become great allies. He has since been promoted and gone home.

On their Sunday, all the officers of the establishment, civil as well as military, dine at the Governor's. During the week the military meet at the mess daily at one. The dinner is soon discussed. They reassemble at five, take tea, and remain until supper, at ten or eleven, during which interval cards or billiards occupy their time. The attentions of the Governor and his establishment were kind in the extreme.

The vessels in port were one ship, corvette-built, of four hundred and fifty tons, commanded by the Lieutenant-Governor, and two brigs commanded by a lieutenant and a master. They belong to the "Imperial Russo-American Fur Company," who are paid similarly to our troops employed in the service of the East India Company, retaining their rank, and their service time going on.

We visited several stations in the sound, in order to determine the position of Mount Edgecumbe, the Cape, Pouce, and some of the mountains in the sound, in prosecution of a projected survey; a party was also employed cutting wood (cypress) intended for the construction of a new whale-boat.

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