Page:Narrative of a Voyage around the World - 1843.djvu/157

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had been provided, on tables ranged on the main-deck. Instead of the proposed thirty-seven, I think one hundred might be nearer their number, After one good feed they were served with previously diluted grog; (mixed to Sitka proof, about four to one;) then a second dose of rice and molasses, followed by the grog, and then a third, finished that part of the meal; the ladies quietly bagging the remains in order, I presume, to prevent their soiling our main-deck. One or two ludicrous dances followed, to their own music,—a species of tambourine, clapping, yelling, &c., and a new musical instrument, composed of three hoops with a cross in the centre, the circumferences


being closely strung with the beaks of the Alca arctica. This being held by the centre of the cross from below, and given a short vibratory motion, similar to the escapement of a watch, produced not a bad accompaniment.