Page:Narrative of a Voyage around the World - 1843.djvu/43

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resources, and he is hereby required and directed to carry these orders into execution accordingly.

Given, &c., 21st Dec. 1835.

(Signed) C. Adams.

Geo. Elliot.

To F. N. Beechey, Esq.,

Subsequently Commander E. Belcher,
Captain of his Majesty's surveying vessel
Sulphur at Spithead,
By, &c.
(Signed) C. Wood.

N.B. While the Sulphur and Starling are within the limits of the South American Station you are to consider yourself under the command of Rear- Admiral Sir G. E. Hammond, the commander-in-chief on that station.

By the Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, &c.

Whereas we think fit that you shall be employed in superintending the survey of the coasts of the Pacific, and having ordered a passage for you in the Echo steam-vessel, to the West Indies, you are hereby required and directed to repair to Chagres, and there learning from his Majesty's consul the best way of crossing the isthmus, you will proceed to Panama, in order to assume the command of his Majesty's surveying vessel "Sulphur," and to take his Majesty's surveying vessel "Starling" under your orders.

Before you quit Chagres, you will make such arrange-