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Gitanjali : Song Offerings CloiA, $i.zj and $ Leather, $i.6o and $2.00 "Mr. Tagore's translations are of trance-like beauty." — The London Athenceum. " These poems are representative of the highest degree of cul- ture, and yet instinct with the simplicity and directness of the dweller on the soil." — New York Sun. " . . . it is the essence of all poetry of East and West alike — the language of the soul." — The Indian Magazine and Review.

Songs of Kabir Cloth, $i.zs and tijo Leather, $1.60 and $2.00 " Wonderfully graphic, conveying the universal thought of the Hindu poet, yet retaining mystic Eastern symbolism in express- ing it." — Baltimore Sun. " The trend of Mr. Tagore's mystical genius makes him a pecul- iarly sympathetic interpreter of Kabir's vision and thought, and the book is perhaps one of the most important which that famous Hindu has introduced to the western world." — Hartford Post.

THE MACMILLAN COMPANY FuliliBliers 64-66 Fifth Avenue Nev York