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Æschylus, Agamemnon. Greek Text revised and translated by John F. Davies,B.A. 8vo, cloth. 3s.

Ali (Syed Ameer) Life of Mohammed. A Critical Examination of the Life and Teachings of Mohammed, from a Mohammedan Standpoint, including Chapters on Polygamy, Slavery, Moslem Nationalism, Moslem Mysticism, &c. Crown 8vo, cloth. 9s.

Attwell (Professor H.) Table of Aryan (Indo-European) Languages, showing their Classification and Affinities, with copious Notes; to which is added, Grimm's Law of the Interchange of Mute Consonants, with numerous Illustrations. A Wall Map for the use of Colleges and Lecture-rooms. 2nd Edition. Mounted with rollers. 10s.

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Barratt (A.) Physical Metempiric. By the late Alfred Barratt. With a Portrait. 8vo, cloth. 10s. 6d.

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Baur (F. C.) Church History of the First Three Centuries.' Translated from the Third German Edition. Edited by Rev. Allan Menzies. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 21s.

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——vide also Testament.