Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/89

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"Stop on your way back and tell me how it looks. No use of me going if you are. I'll wait in the drug store here for you," and Jim turned into the "Emporium."

"We may not be back until late this afternoon," Fenn said.

"That's all right, I'm in no hurry. I can wait here as well as anywhere else," and Jim went into the store and took a seat on one of the stools at the soda fountain, from whence he could look out of the window.

"Well, if that isn't the limit!" exclaimed Ned.

"It's a wonder he didn't ask us to bring the tower around for him to look at," said Bart.

"He would, only he was too lazy to think of it," remarked Frank.

The boys found quite a crowd around the fallen mass of bricks, and many were the comments on the accident.

"Let's go up and take a look at where the roof was broken through," suggested Ned.

The chums started to enter the school intending to go to the auditorium, but, as they reached the stairs, for the building was open, they were met by Mr. Williamson, president of the Board of Education.