Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/90

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"You can't go in, boys," he said pleasantly enough.

"Is it dangerous?" asked Ned.

"Well, that's what we're trying to find out. We have some workmen looking over the ruins to see what repairs we will have to make. There's quite a hole in the roof."

"Will it interfere with the opening of school next week?" asked Bart.

"Do you wish it would?" asked Mr. Williamson.

The boys laughed, for the president had read their thoughts.

"We hope not," Mr. Williamson went on. "By the way, you boys know almost everything that goes on in Darewell? Did you happen to hear of any one carrying off one of the clock dials? We can only find three in the ruins, and there were four."

"I took one home with me last night," said Frank promptly. "I wanted it for a relic. I hope there was no harm in that."

"None in the world, if you still have it," said Mr. Williamson. "You see we are trying to find out just what caused the tower to be blown down by the wind, and we want all the evidence we can get. Just keep the dial safely and, the next time