Page:Negro servant, an authentic and interesting narrative of a young Negro servant.pdf/7

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ciple; I rejoiced in the prospect of receiving him into the church, agreeably to his wishes.' 'I wished, however, to converse somewhat farther, and enquire more minutely into his conduct, and promised to ride over, and see him in a few days at his master's lodgings.

When he was gone, I thought within myself, God hath indeed redeemed souls by the blood of his Son, 'out of every kinded and tongue, and people and nation.' If many of them for a season are devoted to earthly slavery, through the cruel avarice of man: yet blesed be God, some amongst them are, through Divine Grace, called to the glorious liberty of the children of God; and so are redeemed from the slavery of him, who takes so many captives at his will


JESUS who mak st the meanest soul An object of thy care. Attend to what my heart would speak, Hear a poor Negro's prayer.

For thou, when bleeding on the cross, My sins and grief did'st bear: This makes me think thou'll not refuse To hear a Negro's prayer.

I was a helpless Negro boy, And wandered on the shore, Thieves took me from my parent's arms I never saw them more.