Page:Negro servant, an authentic and interesting narrative of a young Negro servant.pdf/8

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But yet uy lot, which seem'd so hard, Quite otherwise did prove: For I was carried far from home To learn a Saviour's love.

Poor and despised though I was, Yet thou, O God was't nigh, And when thy mercy first I saw, Sure none so glad as I.

In Ignorance I long had liv'd, A rebel too I'd been; But thy great kindness, O my God, Sav'd me from all my sin.

Mine was a wretched state, expos'd To men and Angel's view; A slave to man a slave to sin, A slave to Satan too.

But if the Son hath made me free, Then I am free indeed: From power of man, of sin, and hell, For evermore I'm freed.

O! send thy word for that far land, Where none but-Negroes live; Teach them the way, the truth, the life, Thy grace, thy blessing give;

O! that my father, mother dear, Might there thy mercy see: Tell them what Christ hath done for them, What Christ hath done for me.

Where God is like the Christian's God? Who can with him compare? He hath compassion on my soul, And hears a negro's prayer.

Lord Jesus, thou hast shed thy blood For thousand, such as me; Many despise poor Negro slave, But I am loved by thee.