Page:Negro servant, an authentic and interesting narrative of a young Negro servant.pdf/9

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And this is all I want below, To be thy constant care; Keep me from sin and danger, Lord, And hear a Negro's prayer.

In heaven the Land of glory lies, If I should enter there, I'll tell the Saints, and Angels too, Thou heard'st a Negro's prayer.


NOT many days after the first interview with my Negro disciple, I went from home with the desire of conversing with him again at his master's house. The road lay over a lofty down or hill, which commands a prospect of scenery seldom equalled for beauty and magnificence. It gave birth to silent but instructive meditation.

The down was covered with sheep, grazing on its pasture. Here and there a shepherd's boy watched over the flock committed to his care.

On my right hand to the south and south-east, the unbounded ocean displayed its mighty waves. It was covered with vessels of every size, sailing in all directions.

At the south-west of the spot on which I was riding, extended a beautiful bay bounded by high cliffs. Beyond this lay a range of hills, which meeting with another from the north bounds a large fruitful vale, whose fields, now ripe for harvest, proclaimed the goodness of God in the rich provisionw hich he makes for the sons of men. He prepares the corn; he crowns the year with his goodness, and his paths drop fatness. They drop