Page:New game at cards, or, A pack of cards changed into a compleat and perpetual almanack (1).pdf/6

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Mahometaniſm and Paganiſm, when I look over the twelve court cards, they remind me of the twelve Patriarchs, from whom proceed the twelve tribes of Iſrael, the twelve Apoſtles, alſo the twelve articles of the Chriſtian faith in which I am bound to believe. When I look on the King, it reminds me of the allegiance due to his Majeſty: when I look upon the Queen, it reminds me of the allegiance due to her Majeſty; then when I look upon the ten, it puts me in mind of the ten cities in the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah, deſtroyed with fire and brimſtone from heaven, the ten plagues of Egypt, with which God afflicted the Egyptians, when he brought the children of Iſrael out of that land; alſo the ten commandments, and the ten tribes of Iſrael which were cut off for their wickedneſs; when I look upon the nine, it puts me in mind of the nine Hierarchies, the nine muſes, and the nine noble orders amongſt men; when I look upon the eight, it reminds me of the eight Beatitudes, the eight Altitudes, the eight perſons saved in Noah's Ark, the eight perſons mentioned in ſcripture to be releaſed from death to life; when I look upon the ſeven it puts me in mind of the ſeven adminiſtering ſpirits that ſtand before the throne of God, the ſeven ſeals with which the book of life is ſealed, the ſeven angels with the ſeven vials, filled with the indignation of the Lord, which they were to plague the earth with, as mentioned in the Apocalyps of St. John, the ſeven liberal arts and ſiences, given by God
