Page:New game at cards, or, A pack of cards changed into a compleat and perpetual almanack (1).pdf/7

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for the inſtruction of man, the ſeven wonders of the world, the ſeven planets that rule the ſeven days of the week; the ſix puts me in mind of the ſix petitions contained in the Lord’s Prayer, the ſix days of the week that I have to work for my bread, and that I am appointed to keep the ſeventh holy; the five puts me in mind of the five ſenses given by God to man, viz. hearing, ſeeing, feeling, taſting and ſmelling; the four puts me in mind of the four theological virtues, the four Evangeliſts, the four laſt things, Death. Judgement, Heaven and Hell, and the four ſeaſons into which God hath divided and diſposed the year, for the uſe of man, viz. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter: the three puts me in mind of the Trinity, in which are three diſtinct Perſons co-equal and co-eternal, it alſo puts me in mind of the three days that Jonas was in the whale's belly, and the three hours our Saviour hung upon the croſs, the three days that he lay interr'd in the bowels of the earth; the two puts me in mind of the two Teſtaments, the Old and New, containing the Law and Goſpel, the two contrary principles struggling in man, viz Virtue and Vice; then my Lord, when I look upon the ace, it puts me in mind, I’ve only one God to adore and ſerve, one faith to believe, one truth to practiſe, one baptiſm to cleanſe me from original ſin, and only one maſter to ſerve and obey.

N. Very well, Jack, I can’t ſay but you convert your cards to a very good uſe, but now

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