Page:New observations on inoculation - Angelo Gatti.djvu/43

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For, first, it appears from what has been said, that the discharge at the place of the incision is only occasioned by the matter, which would in that part have produced a cluster of pimples, and not from those of the other parts of the body.

2. Pierce one of the pustules with a needle, so as to let out all the matter, after ten or twelve hours it will be found full again; and by repeating this operation ten or twelve times, the discharge will be proportionally increased, and yet the same quantity remain in all the other pustules.

3. Opening every pustule in order to discharge all the matter, has been frequently attempted, and would certainly be a salutary practice, were the doctrine I oppose founded upon truth. But far from answering the end of thus exhausting the variolous fomes, or preventing the translation of the matter upon nobler parts, new matter was formed as fast as the old was evacuated; the discharge from each pustule was as great as if only one had been opened; the disorder full as dangerous, and much more troublesome; and this process, which in theory appeared excellent, was universally laid aside, as useless, if not pernicious.

4. Lastly, It has never been observed, that a plentiful discharge from the incision was a sign of a slighter disorder. It is, on the contrary, never so considerable as when the discharge is so, and this always keeps pace with the number of
