Page:New observations on inoculation - Angelo Gatti.djvu/44

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the pustules. He therefore, who desires a copious outlet, wishes for a considerable degree of danger; and whoever is uneasy at the scantiness of the discharge, shews himself ungrateful to nature, and complains of art, when he has most reason to praise it.

Second Objection. " So slight an insertion does not communicate the small-pox so certainly as the other method."

Several answers may be made to this objection.

1.The inconveniency of missing the small-pox, is of less consequence than the accidents, which may arise from giving it in the common way. When the operation fails, it produces no other effect than the pricking of a pin, and must be repeated.

2.This insertion may be made in several places, without introducing so much of the variolous poison as is conveyed by the usual method or having the same mischiefs to fear. I have inoculated in this manner in five or six places, without the least inconveniency; I only thought the patient had rather a more plentiful crop, and the disorder was somewhat more considerable, than when I made but one puncture. Two or three of these will more effectually communicate the small-pox than the common incisions.

3. In