Page:Newton's Principia (1846).djvu/583

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index to the principia.
Force, centripetal force defined, 74
the absolute quantity of centripetal force defined, 75
the accelerative quantity of the same defined, 76
the motive quantity of the same defined, 76
the proportion thereof to any known force how collected, 109
a centripetal force that is reciprocally as the cube of the ordinate tending to a vastly remote centre of force will cause a body to move in any given conic section, 114
a centripetal force that is as the cube of the ordinate tending to a vastly remote centre of force will cause a body to move in an hyperbola, 243
centrifugal force of bodies on the earth s equator, how great, 405
God, his nature, 506
Gravity mutual between the earth and its parts, 94
of a different nature from magnetical force, 397
the cause of it not assigned, 507
tends towards all the planets, 393
from the surfaces of the planets upwards decreases in the duplicate ratio of the distances from the centre, 400
from the same downwards decreases nearly in the simple ratio of the same, 400
tends towards all bodies, and is proportional to the quantity of matter in each, 397
is the force by which the moon is retained in its orbit, 391
the same proved by an accurate calculus, 453
is the force by which the primary planets and the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn are retained in their orbits, 393
Heat, an iron rod increases in length by heat, 412
of the sun, how great at different distances from the sun, 486
how great in Mercury, 400
how great in the comet of 1680, when in its perihelion, 486
Heavens are void of any sensible resistance, 401, 445, 492; and, therefore, of almost any corporeal fluid whatever, 355, 356
suffer light to pass through them without any refraction, 485
Hydrostatics, the principles thereof delivered, 293
Hyperbola, by what law of centrifugal force tending from the centre of the figure it is described by a revolving body, 116
by what law of centrifugal force tending from the focus of the figure it is described by a revolving body, 117
by what law of centripetal force tending to the focus of the figure it is described by a revolving body, 118
Hypotheses of what kind soever rejected from this philosophy, 508
Jupiter, its periodic time, 388
its distance from the sun, 388
its apparent diameter, 386
its true diameter, 399
its attractive force, how great, 398
the weights of b dies on its surface, 399
its density, 399
its quantity of matter, 399
its perturbation by Saturn, how much, 403
the proportion of its diameters exhibited by computation, 409
and compared with observations, 409
its rotation about its axis, in what time performed, 409
the cause of its belts hinted at, 445
Light, its propagation not instantaneous, 246
its velocity different in different mediums, 245
a certain reflection it sometimes suffers explained, 245
its refraction explained, 243
refraction is not made in the single point of incidence, 247
an incurvation of light about the extremities of bodies observed by experiments, 246
not caused by the agitation of any ethereal medium, 368
Magnetic force, 94, 304, 397, 454