Page:Nihongi by Aston volume 2.djvu/271

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thousand Yemishi of Watari-shima[1] assembled on the seashore and made a camp facing the river. Two men of this camp came forward and called out hurriedly, saying:—"The Su-shēn fleet has arrived in great force and threatens to slay us. We pray, therefore, to be allowed to cross the river and to serve the Government." Abe no Omi sent a boat to go and fetch these two Yemishi, and inquired from them where the enemy were concealed and the number of their ships. The two Yemishi accordingly pointed out the place of their concealment, saying:—"There are over twenty ships." Thereupon he sent messengers to summon them, but they refused to come. Abe no Omi accordingly heaped up on the beach coloured silk stuffs, weapons, iron, etc., to excite their cupidity. The Su-shēn people thereupon drew up their fleet in order, and tying feathers to poles, raised them aloft by way of flags. They approached with equal oars and came to a pause in a shallow place. Then from one of the ships they sent forth two old men who went round the coloured silk stuffs and other articles which had been piled up, examining them closely. They then changed the single garments they had on, and each taking up one piece of cloth in his hand, went on board their ship and departed. Presently the old men came back again, took off the exchanged garments, and laying them down along with the cloth they had taken away, went on board their ship and departed.[2] Abe no Omi sent several ships to fetch them, but they refused to come, and returned to the island of Herobe. [Herobe is a separate part of Watari-shima.] After some time they asked for peace, but Abe no Omi refused altogether to listen to them. So they betook themselves to their own palisades and fought. At this time Mamukatsu, Noto no Omi, was slain by the enemy. While the battle was still going on, and was not yet fought out, the enemy, finding that they were being beaten, put to death their own wives and children.

Summer, 5th month, 8th day. The Koryö Envoy, the Eul-syang, Ha Chhyu-mun, and his suite arrived at the official residence of Naniha.

(XXVI. 17.) In this month, the officials, by order of the Empress, prepared

  1. Yezo.
  2. This passage reads like a distorted account of the "unseen trade" which was carried on in these parts up till a comparatively recent period.