Page:Niles' Weekly Register, v30.djvu/10

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Absolution of Ravillac 315

Academy at West Point 265, 334

Adams, John, letters from him, 814,341, 345,399; notices of his death, &c. 345, 351, 377, 409; account of his life, character, &c. 34G, 399; testimonials of respect 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 36S to 374, 377, 383, 398, 403; account of his last moments 399; of a letter attributed to iiim in 1780, 438: remarks of a deaf and dumb person on his death 447

Adams, John Q. his letter to the mayor of Baltimore 409 ; to the corporation of Philadelphia 482

Administration (of the U. S.) 425

African (colony), remarks on and progress of 13, 200, 282, 397; travels and discoveries in 144, 318; slave trade 189, 237, 264; the Ashantees 253; lake Tchad 318; trade with the natives 319

Alabama Law to suppress duelling 48; internal communications 137; university 137; state bank 137, 241; cotton 166,241; Mobile 241; gov Murphy 241, 331; seat of government 241; Mr. Pickens 333; times of holding courts 3G6: concerning a branch of the ban!; of the U. States. 449

Allen, Paul 456

Alpine vegetation 143

America, general view of the population of 190

American ship, arrival of the first at London 352

Anniversary, the 352

Appropriation bills — remarks 138

Appointments 232, 253

Aristocracy, defined 396

Arkansas. Survey of roads, boundaries, Indians 83

Armories (national) 20

Army, promotions and appointments 253, 377; regiments at Green Bay 409

Atlantic and Pacific, canal to unite them 446

Austria — Emperor sick 174, 242; foreigners 304 ; Fries & co. 304


Bailey, John, dies 440

Baltimore— new brigade 3; gov. Kent at 153; inspections 172, 366; population 173; frigate launched at 200; claims 240: Hour and whiskey 366; honors to the memory of Adams& Jefferson 383: money paid to by the U.S. 449

Bank of the U. States 1

Banking! 172,237,337,377,410, 426

Bankrupts' effects 283

Barbadoes, are at 22

Barbary states, and the pope 253

Barbour, Mir. secretary of war to Mr. Tainall 280; to governor Murphy 331; eulogium on Jetferson and Adams 3G8, 370; circular about the niililm 422

Beatty, gen. John dies 296

Beaver killed on the Monongahela 248

Benton, Mr. see cong. his note about Mr. Randolph's speeches 250

Bermuda — a naval depot 41

Bibles, in a county of N. York 36

Blagden, George, killed 267

Blockade of the La Plata 204

Blue, a permanent dye of 139

Bonaparte, Napoleon 396

Boston— St. Patrick's day at 143; fire caused by crackers 206; schools 206; Atheneum 319; Lechmere point 319; finances 319: churches in 448

Boudinot, Elias 281

Bradley Mr. of Vermont 330

Brazil. Emperor acknowledged by Austria 41; by several other governments 117; military conscriptions 159; proceedings on the death of the king of Portugal 354; British frigate at Rio 354; discriminating duties 354

Bread-stuffs, price of 331; adulteration of bread 433

British affairs.

Africa, settlements in 23 ; Antrohus, Mr. 150; American republics 203; trade 339; aiielion sales 308

Bank of England 21, 139. 151, 173, 289., 290, 44!i; bankrupts 40, 41, 90. 141, 139, 449; relieve the poor 338; b.iiiks 139, 1+0, 141, 339; liijii, the lotn ry inaii ■i'ii); hrou)(liaui,{ Mr. 304, 325; Bellast 21; Hraxil, r.l.itioiis' with 89; borunglis, price of 23o; hihie socif tirv 111, 002; tlraliain, Mr. 142; lirewi rs 303, Bin sfurils, the 431; Brigliiou J42; Inil- lion UO; linvks, m.'tkin;;' of 437

CatuMi Miss 203; chimney sweepers OiU; canals 139; c«lico print- i-s 3Jr>; futU.ilies— declara iunut the pr.latik U0;cliaiic'>ry ami cliancer) eas. s 139, ill, 3oj, 33y; coinnnr- cial capital I8U; t.asllereagh, I.iril4l3; Coh- bttt.U 111.90, 42:i;tolloii l.i8, .' lo; Celomtjian inniister 230; coinage 139, 2>jiii Cocknue, lord |Ji; Cotiiti, sir lsa.,e 2ti5; cum la«s— see '"Iree Irade;" iiiteresiing n port con cerningsuppli-s &c. iOJ, iiiJU, 290, ii93, 30 I 340, 354, .5 .3; eriines 430

Ueciiiie ol pricsSj: diiim-rs, official 111: dmreSses 1, 21.69,90, l.ti, 11/, UU, 20.V350 241, 253, 287, 239, :i90, 3ia, 3)9, 41», 428, 4 37, 438, 443, 450.- del t 173, .30^: UeVeiisWire lhi-tlnl;e ol CW, 290, 31i: UuHiaui, liijlimi ul dies 20 i, .13^: drinking esci ssive 4.S0

Eiflcsiasiical law 429: el< phuni, kill.o 111: elections, vaiioni purlicuiurs ^17, 429, 444, 450: Krskilie's vtidow 43»: e.secuiiur.s 41: riclietiucr bills l-j.i; exports 2Srf

j Hoiiiliill abbey 339: loigeries 90: faiMinc [ appri hciideil 429: Faiqniur, .Mr. 158: 'free I' trade!" facts and remarks cniictriiing Oti, lib 234, 2tl,in7, 281,i:6S, iK, .iSo, 35 J.

Gas 142— game lavks 302-Gray, earl 3j4 I "gtinral," the <a horse) 437— Goldscfiiniilt 90, 129, 141, U4-Gretk vt vsel vvrrcked 40- I Greeks, relating to 353— C'Cujrf. a struggle in 437- Gu) Fauke's c> liar 139

Honduras slock company 408— hops 139- hall-pay ulikeis 33o— Hur>t, Koiiiisou & Co. 40- Hume, .Mr. 3 '2— Hunt, Mr. 429- htat in London 43S—Huiki>soii, Mr. 2!S1 Imports and exports :28S-iiicomc 10:- indicinieiiti 4 IS— industry, product of 44S — Irelauil— disturbaiict.s in 90, 203, 3j9— silk niunuliictuie^ 139— Catholic prelates 140— troops stilt from lo Knglaiid 303— popula- tion 303— eltciiulis 430

King, the 138, 170,230. 0t)7, 438

Jews harp played before the king! 438

Land, rise in the price of 354— law 4*0- Lighiirii (imitaiion) hats 40— Lon.luii, arri- vals at 138— new builuings 139— llie cu>-to.n house decayed 339— iradt rs,gi-«at wealih ol 379— lords, the house ul 139, 173 — L)Ver|iool V.i, 287, 3311, 437,438— the V. S. consul ui

Mail roaches 3o3; innnufaclories deslroj e(t 2H;; geiKvnl reOiaiUs uii liie product >.f iM; ^laiidiest'.-t £17, ZOi, Mi; uililary call^J upon 253, 287; mUsionsry soeleti * 141; iiiniiey marktt 1, 8«, Hi, 438, iiii'Ji- cat i.nili-ssioii J.i'i; Murray. Lindlay HO

Navy and naval IH, 2-JO, -211, 210, CG7, 418,15'; neuiraliiy ^53; Norbury,luril30i; liews|iapfr. a lai(;e one . ~6i>

••Ojicrativei" 002, 429. 443; old mai.:. a rich om 338; ox, aiiciciil value ui une3S4; O'Cniin.ll.Mr. 430

Provi>icins, comparalive prices of 43:; l)Uiiishini-iit of a tliii.'f 137; iienance per- iGrnifd 449; parliaiwtiu, op.-;iiiig of 8y; lo adjuiirn 173; brtaili of pii iirgo 173; pur- cli'iUf of scats, &c. ?53, 437; piuruguol 307; bills pa.,stil 437; Paisk-y <3S); powt r loon.» 253, 2S7; quern, (the lair), lit r j- wels 14.;; pr:Cts, Huetualiue 332; paup ris.a 231, 2SU, 33-; I'rrk.iis, Mr. 3C3; proptily, rise ol the value of '^'■'*

Kail roads 138 13): revenue 230: riotous prucrfdiiiijs 80, 2^7, 3CZ 0-4: re- lief ol the poor— See ilibti ssis anir-, hiid 280. 290, 354; riAeuue 1^.i-3A, 444: Hi.tli^- ehild, Mr. -31. 90, 14+, 203, Uuss I, JortJ John 353; RieliarJsun, iailij ■> ?

Savings liaiiks 330: Sharps, GraiiviUe 433; Seolt, sir V'alt'^r 90, 117,440. 450; Sliare-inan, M. P. 3u3: silk nisnulaniire, &c. 36, 89, U6. lOil, 140, 433: slaves, a. M'lt Loncerniiip; 130: tlisciissiuiis «ml piiieerd- iiigs 140. 23o: in ilie West Indies 266, 3('4, 3 y. small dibts 4:V7: vrssris .39, suain tnirines 4-^: sIulUs 90, 28S, US

Teas 14 ,3(13; lounag. and sl'ippii'g-'"^^' 339— tlit»tres 109,141— iravthing 3C3-(Ur- lup tops stolen 303— iraet sociities 141 —

Ittaiy wiih Franee ^^'•'

Victi!»!k-rs 300- Von AVtber 303, 367

Universities 430

Weaveis.distnsstd 8a, 116,395: W,Iidi--s 242, 304, 325— wtii» issueJ 339, 45U— Wel- lington, duke ol 90, 15'J, 28<!: Wellesley 2' 3; IiuTtiVt.'ade"3iy";' Bari'nKV Mr! os'li; biil.'tJ | ";"t'r>" '^"&'»"'] ','"-*'r"- "LV'^'i^a

Buenos Ayres. Affairs in the Banda Oriental 22; blockade 117, 146, 204,231, 242, 254; Mr Forbes 117; Montevideo 146, 232, 242, 354; Mr. Rivadavin 146; naval affairs 251, 242; Chilian squadron 355, 308


Canals. The Hu 'son and Dilaware 3, 143; DiMual swamp— see congress and O.-*; lo unite Michigan with the Mis.iss.ppi 19} Chesapeake and Ohio t6. 23', 3o5; the Louisville 189; Pennsylvania 200; Black- sioneiou; Ohio 200.3l.j; diiiy on boais 201, 2ir>, U lawdre an.l Chts-ipi'ake 32i; niak- i ga d prmicled3l7; Sujquihannah and Delaware 115

Canada – Immigralion to 20, 290; Wellind canal 22; political disputes 117, 159, 242; Lachine canal 242; timber exported 290; office of the "Colonial Advocate" 338; Malden 409

Candle, of the flame of a 143

Cannon, captured on Erie 145

Cat-fish, a great one 138

Capital, commercial 189

Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, letters from him 314,342,375; bust of him 411; noticed 39S

Chabert, Mr. 381

Chase, Samuel 334

Charleston — "Southern Intelligencer" discontinued 143

Chili — reduction of Chiloe 146, 156, 288; mines 258

Chronometers, improved 145

China — large vessel burnt at Canton 252; streets of Canton 368: the great wall 451

Cincinnati — officers of 396

Clark, William, on the preservation of the Indians 273

Clay, Mr. his speeches lo be pubished 35; duel with Mr. Randolph 116; toasted 363; entertained in Kentucky 395,412; of his votes for president 445