Page:Niles' Weekly Register, v30.djvu/11

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Clergy, proportion of in several countries 138

Coal brought to Philadelphia 138

Cobbett, Mr. 20; see British.

Codfish. in the Chesapeake 328

Colonization of the blacks 446 — see African.

Columbia. — Finances, duties, &c; 22, 204; imposts 11; British consuls in 4l; earthquake 421; of the navy 41, 117,b280,b335; relating to slaves 204; proceedings og gen. Paez 242, 271, 239 290. 323, 355. 368, 421, 451; military and civil officers 242; post roads 242; Bolivar 451

Columbus, Christopher, 143

Commerce, protection of 19

Commercial capital 189


Accountability of public officers 84, 97; acts passed, a list of 223; Adams, John 184; addresses to the king of Spain 96; African captives 29, 86; adjournment, proceedings on 3O, 86, 88, 146, 147, 149, 150, 18O, 225, 228; Alleghany river 96; agents, losses by 161; Aitken's volunteers 181, 183; Amendments to the constitution proposed, &c. by Mr. Benton 13, 91; Mr. Thompson 14; Mr. Hemphill 14; Mr. Sloane 14; Mr. Ward 14; Mr. Weems 15; Mr. Livingston 15; Mr. Miner 15; Mr. McDuffie; 15,29, 30,31, 32, 48, 86, S3. 92,94. 05,96,221; Mr. Kellog 30; Mr. Herrick 31; Mr. Drayton 97; Mr. Eastman 119: army — discipline 47, 48; desertions and deaths 88, 133; armories 20; Arkansas 30; artillerists 3O; attorney general 197; appropriations 227

Barton, Mr. 161. 217, 283; Bastop, baron 197; Baltimore 28, 161, ISO; bank of the U. S. 15; bankruptcy, of a system of 91, 179, 180, 192; Badger, Mr. 227; Barttett, Mr- 119; Baylor, Ann D. 134; Bahama banks 213; Beaumarchais 214; Benton, Mr. 13, 91, 134, 192, 207. 2S3; Berrien, Mr. 170, 18O; bills of exchange 86, 126; Blount, W. 200; bounty lands 184; Bissett, col 305; Bradley, Mr. 119. 214, 292; Branch, Mr. 88, 162; brandy, import of 221 ; Brazil coast of 28; Brent, Mr. 164. 171; brevet rank 30; British colonies 91, 208; Buchanan, Mr. 151; Burgess, Mr. 197; Buzzard's bay 29

Call of the house 226; canals, see "internal improvements," below and 32; Calhoun, Mr. 146, 216,219; Campbell, Mr. 88, 92; Castine 193; Carey, Mr 249; Chambers, col. 260; Chambers, Mr. 32, 224; Chesapeake and Ohio canal 96, 168, 196, 228; Coinage U S 15; coins 30, 194; clerks 184, 222; claims of American citizens 223; common schools 14; coast of the U. S 46, 47;coasting trade 84; Columbia (district) 180,212, 213; Columbia river 212; Connecticut river 149; collection districts proposed 207; contingent fund H. of R. 235; congress of the confederation 92; Cook, Mr 87, 196, 215, 248; commerce of the U. S. 94; courts U. S. 85, 86; Crawford, Mr. 20; Creek treaty, resolutions, debates, proceedings, &c. 155, 162, 168, 175, 192, 197, 138, 199, 207, 218, 219, 225, 249, 254, 277, 813; corporations 212; Cocke, Mr. 233; Cumberland road 212, 213, 216, 218, 219, 222, 226

Delaware 85, 162; deaf and dumb 15, 87, 85, 91; Decatur, Mrs. 1S4; Delassus, C. D. 194 Desha, R. M. 223; Delaware and Raratin canal 120, 151, 212; deserters from French vessels 166, 167. 212; Dickinson, Mr. 199,244; dividends unclaimed S6; discriminatory duties 294; Dismal Swamp ca - 28, 47,48, 208; Dickson and Co. 12; docks for the repair of ships 86; dry docks 198, 226; duties on imports and tonnage 84, 91, NS; duties on teas and wines 117; Duncan, lieut. 192; duties, discriminatory 294

Education 199; Ellis, Mr. 28; Election laws 214; of a president pro tem. of the senate 219; engineers 87, 149; Ewing, W. L. D. 120, 126, 209; executive business 28, 32, 44; do. departments 211, 227; evening session 121, 215, 218; Everett, Mr. 223, 224

Findlay, Mr. 84; Flaget, bishop 213; Florida, (various) 13, 84, 85, 96, 149, 179; Floyd, Mr. 165; Forsyth, Mr. 92, 166, 214, 221, 224; fortifications 28, 29; French spoliations 207

Gailiard, Mr. 12, 15, 244; gallery of the hall 30; Georgia 85, 181, 198, 199; Ghent,the treaty of 28, 32; Gillis, T. H. 46; Gibson, James 194, 212; Gratiot, col. 245; Georgetown bridge 209

Habeas corpus 45; Harrison, Mr. 245; Hague, of a house at 47; hall of the H. of R. 223; Hayne, Mr. 171, 218, 244; Harper, Mr. 35; Hazen, Moses 178, 17S; Herrick, Mr. 31, 161; Henry, Mr. 198; Hemphill, Mr. 14; harbors 91, 212, 213; Hamilton, Mr. 246; Holmes, Mr. 147, 215; Hodsdon, capt. 245; hour of meeting 30, 193; Houston, Mr. 150,227

Illinois canal 195; impressment 223, 224; Indiana 32, 195; interest, claims for 31; imports and exports 94; Indian department 179; Indians, generally relating to 28, 30, 84, 215, 224; the Choctaws and Cherokees 28, S2, 48, 130; in New York 46, 47; in Florida 29, 120,226; the Chickasaws 120; their titles to lands 215, 224, 248; of treaties with 224; of the numbers of the tribes, &c. 248: persons resident on their lands 84: policy in respect to 22, 120, 273: Intrepid, concerning the ketch 248: internal improvements, various motions and proceedings 23, 46, 47, 96, 133, 149, 161, 162, 106, 182, 183, 193, 195, 196, 208, 212, 213, 214, 215, 223, 227; Isaacs, Mr. 88, 96

Jennings, Mr. of Ind. 183: Johnson, (James) Mr. 197: Johnson, Mr. F. 224 : Johntson, Mr. of Lou. 217: journals of the house 221: Judiciary and judicial 14, 148, 149, 162, 167, 194, 195, 207, 219: the bill 118, 119, 120, 146, 147, 166, 180, 181, 195, 196, 197, 199, 209, 213, 214, 221, 223

Kremer, Mr. 183, 184

Laws, publication of 207; Larche, F. case of 163, 164, 18O, 196, 206: Lafayette 213; lands, public 30, 86, 161, 180, 184, 196, 197, 208. 217, 218; lead mines 91, 106: Livingston, Mr. 213, 214: light-houses 14; Little, Mr. 184, 223. Lloyd, Mr. 91, 215, 356: Louisville canal 162, 182, 183, 184: Louisiana 196: lottery, an act for one refused 199, 209: lotteries, remarks on 209: Livingston's penal law 221

Marine apprenticeship 356 ; Massachusetts's claims 85, 87, 119, 165; Maryland claims 31, 47; Macon, Mr. 207, 219; Maison Rouge, the marquis of 196, 197; McLane, Mr, 20, S6, 96, 162, 164, MeDuffie, Mr. 221, 316; McCoy, Mr. 47; Mcintosh, William 162; members of the senate present 220; Mercer, Mr. 29, 86, 166, 245; Miami reservation 215; militia 86, 102, 180, 207, military pensions 184; mint of the U. S. 29; Miner, Mr. 15, 212; Mississippi 14, 28, 31, 120, 193; ministers, about the outfit of 164, 165, 182; missions foreign, resolutions concerning 84, 83, 120; Missouri 14, 15, 30, 161, 218: members of congress appointed to office 168; their compensation 198; Mitchell, Mr. 221 ; Moore, Mr. of K 15, 85; Mullany — , 31; Munroe, Mr. for relief of 86, 199, 208, 211. 217, 218, 225, 228

Messages of the president — Relative to the Florida Indians 29; operations of the mint 49; concerning the Maryland claims 31; on the Panama mission 64, 85, 86; enclosing the instructions to Mr. Poinsett, &c. 92; concerning the convention with Colombia 133; enclosing statements of expenditures for