Page:Niles' Weekly Register, v30.djvu/12

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surveys, &c. 133; in relation to the Creek treaty 168, 175; communicating a certain opinion of the attorney general 182; case of col. Chambers 194

Naval affairs, generally, 30, 31, 85, 88, 139, 208, 211, 212; yard at Philadelphia 94, 96, 181, 182, 183, 221; Newton, Mr. 86, 119, 149, 228; newspapers, of charges in 214; "Niles' Register" 119; national observatory 86

Ohio river, bars, &c. 86; state, lands in 196, 197;order, questions of 88; Owen, Mr. 164

Patronage of the executive 184, 192; Patten, Nathaniel 179; passengers 200, 209; penitentiary in the district 16, 86, 208, 209, 217; pensions 97, 184, 197, 199 216; Peter, Mr 195; Perry, O. H. remains of 184, 195, 221, 246; Perpal.G 228; Pickens, Mr. 118; Pittsburg 85, 97; president's house 221; president pro tem of the senate 219; passage ships and vessels 209; post office, Mr. Randolph's motion 217; pledge of president Munroe (Mr. Wickliffe's resolution) 87, 93; Poinsett, Mr. instructions to 93; Polk, Mr 120; Porter's trial, copies of 86; Pool, Isaac, 86; protest of the Georgia delegation 198, 199, 207, 249; public buildings 86, 219, 221, 223, 226; post master general 222

Panama question. Mr. Randolph's speeches 12, 16, 28, 33; yeas and nays 33, 49 to 64; facts and remarks 33; proceedings in the senate 49 to 64,88,98,108, 179, 180; documents 98 to 107; message of the president to the house 54; documents 68 to 82, 113, 160 proceedings in the house 87, 92, 96, 97, 119, 120, 149, 160, 161, 153, 162, 103, 1G4, 165; report of the committee of the house 108; extracts from the speeches of Messrs. Berrien, Hayne and Brent 170; Mr. Wickliffe on the votes 248

Quorum not present 88, 120,181, 215, 220, 224, 226, 227

Rankin, Mr. dies 48; Reed, Mr. 44, 84; revolutionary officers, motion and proceedings, 46, 166, 167, 168, 181, 183, 199, 215, 220; Randolph, Mr. 12, 45 83. 146, 147, 168, 179, 136, 192, i50; (his rencontre with Messrs Holmes and Lloyd) 216, 217, 326, 451; rifle, the patent 223; receipts and expenditures 197; receivers of public monies 197, 228; road to New Orleans 88, 135, 149, 166, 212; in Mississippi 120; between Philadelphia and Baltimore 168. 179 212, 247; Rowan, Mr 118; rules of the house 30, 196, 215, 227; rules of the senate 119, 146, 215; Rio Hondo 212; Roman Catholic church in Kentucky 212 218; Russel, maj. 215; rules, joint 219, 220, 226; retrenchment, a committee to be to called 221, 223

Reports of committees — see Panama, above On the Indianaca- nal 121; on the duty on salt 122; about surveys of the wa- ters of Virginia and North Ca- rolina 123; on improving the navigation of the Kennebcck 123; in the case of W. L. I). Ewing 126; defence of the north-western frontier 126; damages on bills of exchange 127; on the Cumb< riand road 169 160; on the ca^-e of F Larche 163; on the judiciary bill (senate) 193; case of cer- tain duties paid at Castiiie 193; as to certain claims under the treaty with Spnin 207; on the case of col. Cnombers 260; an the cultivation of the mulber- ry tree, and concerning silk worms and goods 2C2, on lay- ing an excise on domestic dis- tilled spirits 263; on the stale of the Indians 271; medical college at Washington 275; case of James Dickson & Co. 275; tuition of the deaf and dumb 276; on weights and measures 292; relative to dis- criminatory duties 294; con- cerning the eleu;ibility of mem- bers of corigress to accept ap- pointments 34-; on marine apprenticeships 350; on the disagreeing vote about the ju- diciary bili 200; of the com- mittee on the proposed amend- ments oftlie constitution 221; concerniitK a bar in the P.isca- goula river 245; on the case of eapt Ho(l-di>n 245

Reports, &c. of the different departments.

Department of state- -relative to slaves captured by the British, &c. 45; on certain proceedings in Ala(>anin concerning some captured Africans 40; about French spoliations 260

Department of the treasury — On debentures and deposits 5; sinking fund 26; drawbacks 126; tonnage 46; respecting certain teas removed surreptitiously 132

Dept. of war — Preservation and civilization of the Indians 22, 273; coiirerning surveys 124; deaths and desertions in the army 133; concerning the corps of engineers 134; about a road to New Orleans 135, reelative to certain carg'cs of slaves 163; estimates of a road to New Orleans 247 Dept. of the navy— On the fitting out of a squadron for the coast of 30; concerning a breakwater at the capes of the Delaware 121; a^out the navy yard at Philadelphia 181 Generat post office — eoncernin'^ the franking of lettp-rs 126; relative to contracts 184; in reply to certain matters staled by .Mr. Randolph 82«  Salt, duty on 83, 84, 91; salt springs 84; Savannah river 91, 2Q3; Sanford, Mr. 13; ichools 168, 182, 183; senate, arduous sittings of 46, 220; accommo- dation of 192, 217; proceed- ings of the Creek treaty 254 j Scott. Mr 227; seamen 88, 219; Sewall, Williams & Co. 181; Seward, Daniel 196; silk cultivation of, &.c. 183, 209, 282; slave trade and slaves 15 29, 46, 86, 212, 227; Sloane, Mr 14, 223; South Am republics 154; spirits, im- port 15, export 84; excise pro- posed 263; Strong iMr. 86, Stewart, Mr 29, 120, 159, 160, 1S2 223; Stetson, Amasa 162; Stiles, George 28; silt veys li>3; Susquehannah river 88; su- preme court 222; speaker's signature to a bill 22'f T;itnall, Mr. to the scc. of war 279; Tazewell, Mr. 218; teas of the duty on 117— -certain imported by £. Thompson 132, 20b, Test, Mr. 1«3; three per cert fuiKl 14, 28, 31; Thompson, Mr- of Pa 14, 16, 185; Thon;pson. Mf. cf Geo. 119; Thompson, Mr ofC 149; tonnage on canul boats ~o6; treaties, Indian 209; with the Creeks, see Creeks and 254 Van Burcn, Mr. 193, 236; Vance, Mr. 316; varcipaii. n 31; Veiplanck, Mr. 126; vice president, 140; Vinton, Mr 14'J. 215^ Ward, Mr. 14; Weems, Mr. iS; Whipple, Mr 46;'» ebsier.Mr. 96, 195. 209: Williams, Mr. of N. C. 14, 105: WickliUe, Mr. 87, 106, 183, 209, 24S; Witherb, Thomas C. 182; Woodbury, ^n• 83, 220: Wriuht, Mr. 14, 149, 150, 167, 213: Wa.-liington mcilical col- lege 207: canal 47, 218, 226: wines, duty on 1 17, ISO Yeas and nnys — in the house of representatives. On the Dis- mal Swamp Canal bill 35; on pa.ssing the hill for teaching the deaf and dumb 47; on the proposed amendments to the constitution 95; (OiMs against) the bill fur the relief of the Florida Indians 120; the Pana- ma ^urstion 163, 164, 165,248; on the judicitti-y bill 181, 214; on the Creek treaty 199; on the bill for the relief of Mr. Munroe 211, 225, 226; on the bill for the repair of the Cum- berland road 2 14, 222, 226; respecting revolutionary pen- sions 220; on adjournment 225 in the senate. On the Piinama question 33 to 49, 54, 180;CH[nberlaudroadS4,a20, j