Page:Niti literature (Gray J, 1886).pdf/156

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ing a demand upon them, so should the king not long for all wealth: this not making a demand is the character of the ocean.


As men who see the moon when it is full are delighted, so should all people, seeing the face of the king, feel satisfied: a ruler who is like the moon should show himself in the same way.


Just as the earth bears upon it all creatures equally, thus should a king take in his charge all townsfolk and country people.


As the rain falls in showers during four months, a ruler should give happiness to the soldiery by paying them their wages.


A king should act the one act of the lion, one act of the crane, four acts of the fowl, five of the crow, six of the dog, and three of the ass.


Whatever act a king wishes to perform, whether great or small, it should be done with all his vigour: then that will be one act of the lion's.


A wise king is like a crane, keeping a guard on his senses: he accomplishes all his work in the proper time and place.


Cocks rise first, are very pugnacious, divide their food with their companions, and have the upper hand over the hens:[1] these are the four acts of a cock.

  1. Literally, thîya akamma bhutiaṁ.