Page:Niti literature (Gray J, 1886).pdf/157

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Nîti Literature of Burma.


A crow satisfies his passions in secret, is very cautions, eats his food in company with his relatives, is observant and industrious: these are the five acts of a crow.


A dog is not idle, is easily content, sleeps easily and rises easily, is a staunch attendant and full of bravery: these six are the attributes of a dog.


An ass, although fatigued, carries his burden, he minds not heat nor cold, and is ever content: these are the three acts of an ass.


The wise king who acts in this world in keeping with these twenty virtues overcomes all his enemies and derives great glory.


Diseases arise by too much drinking, by gratifying the passions inordinately, by constipation and by constriction,[1] by sleeping in the day, and by keeping up at night: from these six diseases arise.


Neither by drinking too much nor by drinking too little can digestion be carried on: therefore for the regulation of the bowels one should drink in moderation.


Until food is settled, one, having eaten, should sit like a king; till then, after walking a hundred paces, he should lie on his left side.


Wishing for long life, one should eat facing the east;

  1. Vaccapassâvanirodhâ.