Page:Norwegian Constitution.djvu/28

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Presents We do actually consent to and sanction it as a law under our hand and the seal of the Kingdom.

§. 82.

The provisional ordinances, issued by the King while no National Assembly is sitting, as well as the other ordinances and orders, belonging only to the executive power, shall be drawn up in the following manner: We — — &c, make known that, by virtue of the authority allowed Us by the Constitution of the Kingdom, We have decreed as by these Presents We do decree &c.

§. 83.

The sanction of the King is not required for the Decrees of the National Assembly by which it

a) declares itself sitting as National Assembly pursuant to the Constitution;

b) regulates its interior police;

c) consents to or rejects the warrants of the members present;

d) confirms or rejects judgments in disputes concerning elections;

e) naturalizes foreigners;