Page:Norwegian Constitution.djvu/29

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f) and lastly the King's sanction is not required to the decree by which the Odels-Thing declares counsellors of state under accusation.

§. 84.

The National Assembly may receive the cognizance of the High Court of Justice concerning matters of law.

§. 85.

The National Assembly shall be kept at open doors and its transactions be published in print, except in the cases where the contrary is decreed by majority of votes.

§. 86.

Whoever obeys an order tending to disturb the freedom and safety of the National Assembly is guilty of treason against his native country.


Of the Judicial Power.

§. 87.

The members of the Lag-Thing together with those of the High Court of Justice constitute the Rigs-Ret (Court of State) who in the first and last instance shall judge in the causes, commenced before the Odels-Thing, either against members of the Council of State or of the High Court of Justice on account of crimes in the performance of their offices,