Page:Norwegian Constitution.djvu/30

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or against members of the National Assembly, on account of crimes they commit in such a quality. In the Rigs-Ret the President of the Lag-Thing shall preside.

§. 88.

The Defendant may reject, without alledging any reason, even to a third part of the members of the Court of State, yet in such a manner that the court do not consist of less than fifteen persons.

§. 89.

In order to judge in the last instance a High Court of Justice shall be established, as soon as possible, which must not consist of less than a chief judge and six members.

§. 90.

In times of peace the High Court of Justice together with two high military officers, whom the King appoints, constitute the second and last instance in all the affairs of court martial, concerning either life or honour or the loss of freedom for more than three months.

§. 91.

The judgments of the High Court may on no occasion be appealed or submitted to revision.

§. 92.

Nobody may be appointed member of the High Court of Justice before he is thirty years old.