Page:Notable South Australians.djvu/29

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able courage and self-reliance, and throughout an honoured life infused the same qualities into the minds of her children. At ten years of age the subject of this notice entered a solicitor's office; at the age of eighteen years he filled the position of Clerk of a country Local Court, and became Captain of Volunteers. In 1865 he was called to the bar, and in the same year married Ellen Wardlaw, second daughter of the Honorable (now Sir) William Milne. He entered Parliament in 1872, representing the district of Onkaparinga, and in 1874 joined the Blyth Government as Minister of Justice and Education. He resigned in January, 1875, when he declined re-election until 1878, in which year he was again returned (for the same district) to Parliament. Was appointed Queen's Counsel, and joined the Morgan Administration as Attorney-General. In 1881 he was compelled to resign this responsible portfolio in consequence of failing health, and was ordered to take a prolonged voyage to recruit; he did so, but did not again enter Parliament. The title of Honorable was conferred upon him in 1882, and he was appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court in July, 1884. He has always been an ardent supporter of Land Reform, Law Reform, Education, Railway Construction, and other public questions; and by his earnest and enthusiastic temperament succeeded in carrying several useful measures, and obtained the confidence of his contemporaries and the public. At all times a lover and supporter of manly sports, he was in his early career a successful cricketer, and subsequently a leading yachtsman. In 1869 he was one of the founders of the now flourishing S. A. Yacht Club. He was first elected Vice-Commodore, and eventually Commodore, which latter position he held for ten consecutive years, resigning it in 1883.