Page:Notable South Australians.djvu/30

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Dr. John Michael Gunson, K.G.G.

DIED at his residence, Kensington Park, near Adelaide, May 3, 1884. Born in Limerick, Ireland, in 1825, and received the elementary portion of his education at a private school in that city. Subsequently entered the medical schools of Paris and London, and afterwards qualified himself in the latter city for member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Later on he obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine. In 1852 Dr. Gunson came to South Australia, and entered into practice, and by attention to his professional duties was very successful. In 1866 he paid a visit to England, where he was married. The late Dr. Butler carried on his practice in his absence, and after spending a short holiday in the land of his birth Dr. Gunson returned to this colony, and re-entered upon his professional labours. In 1879, he disposed of his connection and took up his residence at the Acacias, Kensington, which he had erected prior to his retiring from practice. After a short time he determined to once more visit Europe, and accordingly disposed of the Acacias, and went with his wife and family to England. He was absent from the colony for two years, most of the time being spent on the Continent. During that period His Holiness Pope Leo XIII. conferred upon Dr. Gunson the order of Knight of St. Gregory the Great, but his installation did not take place till his return to the colony, when the ceremony was performed in the Catholic Cathedral by his Lordship Bishop Reynolds. Dr. Gunson was an accomplished linguist, a member of the senate of the University of Adelaide, and on numerous occasions conducted the French examinations at the University. He may be considered our leading Catholic colonist, as he always identified himself with any movement connected with that body. He was president of the Catholic Young Men's Society, and when the Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society was organised, generously attended, free of charge, as lodge