Page:Notable South Australians.djvu/342

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ADYEBTISBHBNTS. LATB FttOTOQIiAPttIC AllTISTS, Portraiture in all its branches tiimed out equal to the beet London and American Houees, and cannot be surpassed in the Colony. PORTRAITS OF CHILDREN A SPECIALITY. Cartes, 10s. 6d. Cabinets, 17s. 6d. 65 BUNDLE ST., ADELAIDE. T. P. WELBOTJBN'S Fateat Propeller Dash Glmnis Are mow proTed to be quleker, easier worked^ and 'will SiTO ftailly lO per eent. more Butter titan any other.

    • Flobbib asks : — * Can you tell me any way of properly turning

cream into butter this weather ? It will only come about half, and wUl not come any thicker."' — 8^, Chronicle^ Saturday, Jan. 24, 1885. "Flobbib. — ^With reference to your question as to butter not comi ng , Mrs. Campbell, of Petersburg, writes : "If * Flobbib ' will get a Welboum's Propeller Dash Chum she will hare no more trouble on that account. I nave had one for some time, and the butter is nerer longer than fire or ten minutes in coming.*' — 8, A, Advertuer, Friday, Feb. 6, 1886. T, P. Welboum received the only Prize Medal for COOPERAGE, Adelaide, 1807; First Order of Merit for Cooperage and WHEELBARROWS, Adelaide, 1881 ; also, Special Men- tion for WELL BUCKETS and CAMEL CASKS. ALL OBDEBS PBOMFTLT ATTBNDBD TO. T. P. WELBOURN, Cooper, eiLLKB 81. VIST, IIEAS Wi% mUIAM 8X. SOUXH, UffiLAISE,