Page:Notable South Australians.djvu/343

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THE UNIYERSAL AMERICAN MEDICINE (A Perfect Chemical Compound), WESTON'S WIZARD OIL. From all Chemists, price Half-a-Crown. XSTAJBljiaHMI> ZN AUSTBAJLIA IN 1864. Bead the foUowing frmn a Sydney GerOUtnan^ toeU knoum in official cirdet: Mr. frank WESTON. Dear Sir — Looking back at the days and nights of intense suffering from the acute pains of Neuralgic and Inflammatory Bheumatisn^ it is with no inconsiderable pleasure I record my testimony in favour or your Wizard Oil and Magic Pills. By the persistent and prodigal use of your Medicines I am restored to perfect health. I hope all who suffer the tortures of Rheumatism will use your Wizard Oil and Magic Pills, when, I am sure, their thanks and gratitude y> ill prompt them to do as I have •done. Wishing you long life and happiness, Colonial Secretary's Office, Very truly yours, North Macquarie-st., Sydney, Nov. 16, 1883. JOHN O'LOUGHLIN. Mr. frank WESTON. October 3, 1883. Dear Sir — Recently sojourning in Australia to recruit my health, I was completely cured of Rheumatic Fever and Liver Complaint by usinp^ your Wizard Oil and Magic Pills, and cannot too freely express my grati- tude for the benefit derived from the use of your medicines. I laid in a stock from Rocke and Tompsitt before returning to Lidia, but now leam that your medicines are obtainable at Treacher & Co.'s, Limited, Bombay. I am constantly recommending your Wizard Oil, etc., in this remotepart of India, and would advise you to make a local agency h^e. With profound personal respect, I am, gratefully yours. Commissariat Department, J. R. WILLIAM STARE. Peshawur, Punjaub, India. From a World-renoumed Circus Proprietor, Mr. frank WESTON. Dear Sir — ^Your Wizard Oil and Magic Pills have effected many •surprising cures of liver and kidney complaints, neuralgia, rheumatism, and sprains. My company of athletes and horsemen are subjected to many -falls, sprains, bruises, and various accidents, but your celebrated medicines «ubdue them all. I am never without your Wizard Oil and Magic Pills, <V7hich are now nearly as well known Uiroughout Lidia as in Australia. Xsl-reat World Circus, Calcutta, Very truly yours, 10th Nov., 1888. JOHN WILSON, WBSTON^S WIZARD OIL, Mn Bota€B Only, utUh Giass Stopper; rsXCJB BAZF'-A'CBOWN. Sol© Pro^ri^to^MFRAJii^ Seveiit Street, Fiteroy, ]Iei1»oiime.*