Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/132

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Harman (Richard), Mayor of Norwich 1639, viii.


Harmatopegos on John Adams, Serjeant-at-Law, ix. 413. Altree family, ix. 413. Burials at Nice, x. 57. Charterhouse Grammar School, xii. 468. " His end was peace," x. 450. Hol- bein subjects, x. 38. Peacock (T. L.), x. 76 Harney (George Julian) and G. J. Holyoake,

initial coincidence, v. 126 Harold II., his mother Gytha, iv. 168, 232 ; and

the Royal Houses of England, Denmark, and

Russia, iv. 188, 276 Harold (Barton). See De Harold. Harp, the Lamont, i. 329 ; ii. 71, 132 ; Queen

Mary's, ii. 71

Harper (C. G.) and Welsh mutations, iv. 286 Harpist, use of the word, iii. 87 Harpole Church, Northamptonshire, inscription

in, iii. 253

Harpsfield (John and Nicholas), ' D.N.B.' on, i. 224 Harrap (G. G.) on John Crowe, iii. 328 Harriet, her identity, and Joseph Lancaster, iv.

29 Harringay House, vii. 106, 157, 216, 253, 274,


Harrington family, xii. 332 Harris (Mrs* A.) on Golden Roof at Innsbruck, v.

89 Harris (C. S.) on buccado, x. 137. Shrewsbury

clock, viii. 313. " Tertias of foot," iv. 12.

Vernon of Hodnet, x. 76. Victorian coin, x. 77.

Vivandieres, x. 216 Harris (E. B.) on first book auctions in England,

v. 43. Shakespeare (Third Folio), ix. 241.

Shakespeare's plays, vi. 102 Harris (J.), Westminster scholar, xi. 230 Harris (L.) on Madame D'Arblay's diary, xii.

469 Harris (Miss M. D.) on " Dieu done tout," viii. 210.

' St. Christian,' miracle play, xi. 230. Wrong- half : pych : targe, x. 248 Harris (Thomas Lake), d. 1906, poet and mystic,

his biography, x. 329 ; xii. 166 Harris ( ), silver-buckle maker, 1780-1810, x.

449 ; xi. 18 Harris's ' List of Covent Garden Ladies,' 1760-

93, ix. 370

Harrison (B.) on female violinists, v. 229 Harrison (F.) on briefs in 1742, x. 330. Leland

on Trowbridge, x. 407. Name-corruption :

Mountain Bower, xi. 505 Harrison (F.) on Oxford Divinity Examination,

vii. 470. Rewman, vi. 309 Harrison (J.) on barometer by Marinone & Co.,

ii. 346

Harrison (John), 1579-1656, iii. 205 Harrison (Sir John), of Balls Park, Herts, iv. 68,


Harrow, lease of land in, 1825, ix. 171 Harrow School and the Page family, vii. 322, 410 Harroway, references to roads called, ix. 310 Harston (A.) on bosting, masons' term, xii. 75.

Fig trees in London, xii. 476. Highways re- paired, ix. 13. Putlog : pudding, building terms,

xii. 77. Rod of brickwork, xi. 116 Hart (Allen) on Essex fatal to women, xii. 90 Hart (H. Chichester) on Carlo Buff one, i. 381.

' Captain " in Fletcher and Jonson, ii. 184.

4 Cry you mercy, I took you for a joint-stool,"

ii. 66. Dickens and Salisbury Plain, vi. 466.

Greene (Robert), his prose works, iv. 1, 81, 162,

224, 483 ; v. 84, 202, 343, 424, 442, 463, 484, 504. Lodge, Guarini, and Mathew Roydon, vi.

221. ' Measure for Measure,' x. 63. Peek- bo, ii. 85. Shakespeariana, i. 163 ; iii. 425 ; iv. 284, 443 ; v. 465

Hart (John), his ' Diarium Turris,' ix. 184 Hart (W. G.) on Miss Watson, viii. 148 Hart (Sir W. Neville) and his descendants, x. 263 Harte (Bret) and Servius Sulpicius, viii. 205, 297,


Harte (W.) on Titian's * Venus with Mirror,' iv. 127 Harting (J. E.) on Brathwait's ' Huntsman's

Raunge,' iv. 467 Hartington (Marquis of) and President Lincoln, vii.

165, 275, 318, 433 Hartley (Rev. Salter St. George John), his

biography, i. 87, 156, 198, 253, 316 Hartley (Dr. J.), his biography, i. 87, 156, 198,

253, 316 Hartley (T. C.) on Journal of House of Commons,

ii. 248

Hartley (William), of Leeds pottery, ii. 152 ' Hartley House, Calcutta,' allusions hi, ix. 110 Hartlib (Samuel), his copying ink, iii. 414 Hartshorne (Albert) on tea as a meal, i. 209 Hartwell estate, Bucks, its history, xii. 264, 395 Hartwig (A. C. T.) on medal of 1555, ix. 89 Harvest, late intellectual, ii. 54 Harvest custom at Tunbridge Wells, iv. 447 Harvest Supper songs, xii. 30, 71, 137, 237, 276 Harvest tune sixty years ago, iv. 164 Harvey (Gabriel), his books, i. 267 Harvey (William), b. 1578, his birthplace, x. 9, 117,

174, 216

Haskoll (J.) his bust of Sir Isaac Newton, iv. 329 Hasped, meaning of the word, i. 366 Hasta Vibrans on con- contraction, iii. 335 Hastings, inscription in St. Clement's Church, i.

412 Hastings, battle of, Wace's description, iii. 407,

455 ; iv. 38

Hastings (John), M.P. Leicester 1559, ix. 368 Hastings (Miss) on Sterne's letters to John

Blake, v. 247

Hastings (Warren), his first wife, i. 426, 494 ; ii. 10 ; and Sir Charles Malet, iii. 28 ; sale of his effects, vi. 268, 335, 474 ; admission tickets for his trial, vii. 248 ; his son George, x. 128 ; his residence at 40, Park Lane, xi. 466 Hastle, meaning of the word, x. 108, 377 Haswell (F. R. N.) on Haswell family, iii. 376. Hutchinson (William), iii. 327. Smith in Latin, iv. 409

Haswell (G. W.) on hair-powdering closets, v. 95. Municipal sword-bearer, v. 151. Open-air pulpits, v. 96

Haswell family, iii. 225, 313, 376, 477 Hat, called cadey, x. 147, 198, 277 ; called

moloker, 385

Hatch (Hyde), Westminster scholar, x. 148 Hatchments, in churches, iv. 488 ; xi. 307 ;

bibliography of, vi. 290, 350, 472 Hatmakers' materials in 18th cent., ix. 388, 477 Hats, worn in the House of Commons, vi. 488 ;

worn in the royal presence, viii. 326 Hatsell (Sir Henry), Baron of Exchequer, ix. 150 Hatton (A. P.) on tenses in fiction, iii. 307 Hatton (Sir Christopher), his title, i. 267 Hatton (Lady) and Francis Bacon, vii. 90 Haughendo, etymology of the word, xi. 509 ; xii.


Haul, its derivation, xi. 307, 395, 455 Haultmont (M.) on 'Bathilda,' iv. 93. 'Cha- peroned by her father," i. 211. Dumas, its pronunciation, iv. 275. French quotation,