vii. 215. Italian initial h, ii. 352. Latin pro-
nunciation, ix. 353, 512. "Morale," i. 205.
Podike, its locality, vii. 293. " Politica del
carciofo," ix. 438. Psychological moment, xi.
94. > Rules of Christian life, ii. 255. Thune :
(Eil-de-boauf, French slang, vii. 153
Hautenville-Cope. See Cope.
Hautville family, vi. 468, 493
Havana, storming of Fort Moro, 1762, i. 448, 514 ;
ii. 93, 175, 256, 313, 375 Havel makers, explanation of name, v. 209, 256 Havelock (H.) on morganatic, x. 470. Bogest-
vensky, iii. 356 Havelock (Sir Henry), poems on his march to
Lucknow, vi. 349 Haward (Capt. Lazarus), and word " galapines,"
ii. 447
Hawes (Francis), d. 1764, his biography, i. 8 Hawk and eagle, story of, xii. 249 Hawke (P.) his translation of Dante, at Angers,
vii. 507
Hawker (B. S.), his Trelawny ballad, i. 83, 405 ; his ecclesiastical vestments, 278, 436 ; memorial at Morwenstow, ii. 286, 408 Hawkes-Strugnell (Commander W.) on Strugnell
surname, xi. 109
Hawkins (B.) on Hawkins family and arms, x. 389 Hawkins (Sir Christopher), d. 1829, portraits of, x.
268 Hawkins (Thomas), Fellow of Winchester College,
- A >-
11. 45 Hawkins (William), D.D., d. 1691, his biography, i.
Hawkins family and arms, x. 389, 472 ; xi. 32 Hawley (Col. Francis), his portrait, vi. 7 Hawley (Lieut.-General Henry), his biography,
vi. 6, 56, 89 Hawser=rope, earliest quotation, xi. 307, 395,
Hawtrey surname, its etymology, v. 348, 417 Hay (Sir James) on Charles I., i. 65 Hay (James) on Boer War of 1881, i. 395 Hay (Col. John), his ' Pike County Ballads,' viii.
Haydon (B. B.), his references to Canova, v. 52 Hayes (J.) on Croker's pantomimes, iii. 269.
Glasse (Mrs. Hannah), vii. 467. Le Blon
mezzos, x. 450. Napoleon and the Sans Souci
treasures, vi. 341. Parsons (Father), his portrait,
vii. 490. Peel (Sir B.), his franked letters, v.
48, 274. ' Sketch from Nature,' xii. 148 Hayes (Justice), his ' Elegy written in the Temple
Gardens,' x. 468, 514 Hayes (Mr.), murdered in 1725, i. 64 Hayes (Mr.), Consul at Smyrna, 1790, v. 349 Hayes (Samuel), Westminster scholar, xi. 149,
Hayes (T. J.) on tholsels, iv. 387 Hayil, or Hail, in Arabia, viii. 169 ; ix. 58 Hayley and Blake at Felpham, viii. 231, 277 Hayman (Bobert), b. 1578-9, his poems, x. 23 Haymarket, Westminster, c. 1734, its site, vii.
270, 370, 516 ; viii. 94 Haymarket theatre, puns at the, i. 269 Haynes (Samuel), d. 1811, his parentage, i. 269,
Hays (Admiral) and Bev. William Pace, iv. 9 Haze : hazy, etymology of the words, vii. 108, 213,
273 * x. 102
Hazel or hessle pears, ii. 349, 436 ; vi. 237, 296 Hazel in Irish politics, ix. 126, 258 Hazlitt (John), miniaturist, his biography, iii.
468 ; iv. 57
Hazlitt (W.), criticism of Wordsworth's Solitary,
vi. 185, 275 ; Norman Court and Sarah
Stoddart, ix. 101, 177, 292 ; Winterslow estates,
x. 61 ; memorial tablet to, xi. 504
Hazy : haze, etymology of the words, x. 102
Heacham parish officers, ii. 247, 335, 371, 431 ;
iii. 37
Heacock or Hiccocks (Bobert), b. 1625, x. 210 Heacock and Davis families, viii. 170 Head, called " twopenny," iv. 69, 217, 331 Head (J. G.) on Jenny Wilkins, xi. 268 Head-dresses of ladies in theatre, v. 389, 433, 477 Headly (C. B.), on Headly arms, iv. 309 Heads put together when considering verdict,
i. 326
Healey family, x. 364
Heape (B.) on dated stones in buildings, vi. 349 " Hear, hear ! " foreign equivalents, x. 248, 296,
376, 452
Heardlome, the word in Court Boll, 1604, i. 29, 75 Hearne (Samuel), pamphlets by, c. 1773, xii. 488 Hearne (Thomas), his tomb, v. 66 Hearnshaw (F. J. C. ) on Court Leet : Manor
Court, vii. 327 Hearsey (Andrew), of Middelburgh, Holland, his
ancestors, iv. 128
Hearsey (Thomas Harry), his ancestors, x. 149 Heart, human, eaten, iii. 336 Heart of Louis XIV. eaten, ii. 346, 496 ; iv. 434 Hearth Money, Boll of, Ireland, 1666, xii. 308 Hearts of celebrities in the H6tel des Invalides, i.
385, 470 " Hearts of oak '" as defenders of the country,
earliest instance, v. 409 Heated refrigerator-cars, use of the term, vi.
Heath (J. A.) on authors of quotations, viii. 169 Heath (Job), several of the name, iii. 468 Heath (W.), artist, d. 1840, his engravings, ix.
385, 473 ; x. 13, 93 Heathfield, Sussex, its history, xi. 169 Heatley family pedigree, iii. 488 Heaven, Hell, and Paradise as place-names, i.
245, 332 ; ii. 354, 533 Heavy wet : a kind of drink, xii. 430 Hebb (J.) on Alberta, Canada, ix. 486. Authors of quotations, iv. 38 ; viii. 230. Barga, Italy, ii. 537. Bathing-machines, ii. 131. Beachey Head : its derivation, xi. 186. Beadnell, i. 18. Begums, i. 14. Billycock hat, ix. 27, 94. Cannizaro (Duchess of), iv. 358. Chimney-back, cast iron, ii. 189. .Chippendale (T.) : W. Chippendale, vi. 447. Coleridge and opium, xii. 65. Colfe's Almshpuses, Lewisham, ii. 324. " Coup de Jarnac," i. 6. Coutts (Messrs.), their removal, ii. 293. Cross sign : hot cross buns, ix. 436. Curtain lectures, vii. 226. Dante, unknown portrait, iv. 205. Dante and architec- ture, vii. 266. Dante's sonnet to Guido Cavalcanti, iv. 207. Diabolo : its origin, ix. 47. Dialogues of Luisa Sigea, xi. 170. Eighteenth- century queries, viii. 436 ; ix. 35. Epigram on Ferdinand I., vii. 506. ' Face of Clay,' viii. 508. French proverbial phrases, i. 485. Fos- colo (Ugo) in London, vii. 487. Gallows of alabaster, iv. 276. Garibaldi, origin of the name, iv. 67. Garibaldi in England, viii. 86. Garum and punch, xi. 466. Grand Guignol, ix. 267. Great Queen Street, iii. 366; iv. 326; vi. 147. Gwynne (Nell), her looking-glass, viii. 61. Hame-rein, x. 106. Hardwicke House, Seaford, vii. 466. Hardy (Thomas) and. restoration, vi. 365. Hogsflesh (William), viii