Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/134

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28, 334, 394. Horne-Tooke (John), vii. 509. H6tel Moras (otherwise Biron), Paris, xii. 89. Humby (Mrs.), actress, iii. 288. Italian artists, modern, iii. 38. James (John), architect, viii. 5 ; ix. 127. Keelhaul : cobkey : ' mor- ryoune," viii. 54. ' King Nutcracker,' iv. 508. Kirby (Richard), architect, v. 232. Kirkstead Chapel, Lines, vii. 446. Lambs in Great Russell Street, ix. 37. London statues and memorials, ix. 364. Louis Philippe's landing in England, vi. 133. Lutyens (E. A.), painter, viii. 276. Macnab legend, xi. 492. Mal- herbe's ' Stances a Du Perrier, xii. 38. Meaux Abbey, vii. 134. Melbourne (Lord) and Thackeray, x. 387. Milton relic, x. 388. Milton's house in Aldersgate Street, x. 404. Mink, its meaning, viii. 27. Moore (Albert) and the ' D.N.B.,' viii. 46, 317. Napoleon on the Undaunted, vi. 287, 376. Napoleon's carriage, vii. 393. Nothing, vi. 397. Pecchio (Count Giuseppe), ix. 307. Pennethorne (Sir James) and ' Saturday Review,' iv. 506. Pinchbeck family, iv. 33. " Politica del carci6fo," viii. 290. " Pull one's leg," vii. 164. Rigadoon, ii. 65. Schopenhauer in English, xii. 115. Shakespeariana, v. 465. Small parishes, iii. 331 . Songs, Early Victorian, xi. 237. ' Sur la Pierre blanche ' : Philopatris, xii. 229. Talman (J.), architect, vii. 206. Talman (W.), and Hampton Court Palace, vii. 395. Tammany, ix . 126. Tanner = sixpence, x. 50. Tennyson (A. and F.), sonnets by, vii. 89. Thackeray : Roundabout Papers, xii. 33. Totter-out : jag, viii. 475. Towers of silence, iv. 264. Vanish- ing London, v. 165. Virgil, '^neid,' I. 462, vi. 110. Vulliamy (Benjamin), x. 365

Hebdomadary, use of the word, v. 44, 91

Heber (Bishop Reginald), ' Palestine,' parallel passages, i. 69 ; ballad by, v. 184, 253 ; " Only man is vile," xii. 206, 256, 297

Heber (Richard), his library, xii. 228

Hebrew coins with lions on the reverse, viii. 17

Hebrew inscriptions on seals, ix. 110

' Hebrew Maiden's Answer to the Crusader,' vii. 269, 394, 413, 516

Hebrew tradition regarding Cain and Ham's wife, iv. 429

Hecateus, his description of the Britons, v. 308, 417

Heckstall (Brooke), Rector of SS. Anne and Agnes, vi. 30 ; x. 148 ; xii. 247, 354

Hedgehog, a ship, c. 1545, vii. 308

Hedge-sparrow, called Betty, vii. 469

Hedin (Sven), his account of ice-splitting, vii. 114

Heech, the word in Court Roll, 1604, i. 29, 75

Heelis (John Loraine), his death, ii. 100

Heelis ( J. L.) on " Better the day, better the deed," i. 448. Chateaubriand, relic of, i. 165. Napo- leon's power of awaking, i. 446. Russian pre- diction, i. 445

Heenvliet, Dutch ambassador, and Lord Wotton's daughter, vii. 130, 175

Heidelberg matriculation register, v. 368 ; vi. 354

Heifer in Keas's ' Grecian Urn,' iii. 464

Heighway (W.) on Heighway family, x. 490

Heighway family, x. 490

Heine, his legend of Council of Basle, i. 8, 397 ; and Balzac, a coincidence, x. 109

Helder (Edward), mythical pall-bearer of Shake- speare, iii. 204

Helena (Queen) in London, i. 29

Helga on Anne Plantagenet, Duchess of Exeter, vii. 149. Arden as a feminine name, ii. 368. Batrome, i. 252, 378. " Bisk," i. 138. Caro- line (Queen), her trial, i. 127. Charles the Bold, i. 232. Charles V. on languages, i. 227. Christian names, curious, i. 236 ; ii. 375. Eleanor, daughter of Edward I., vii. 229. Eleanor of Castile : her tomb, vii. 8. Fair Maid of Kent, i. 289 ; ii. 59. Fotheringay, ii. 128. Grant (Barbara), ii. 327. Gytha, mother of Harold II., iv. 168. Harold II. and Royal Houses of England, Denmark, and Russia, iv. 188. Hell, Heaven, and Paradise, ii. 355. James I. of Scotland, his daughters, i. 507. Kent (Duke of), his children, vii. 48. Links with the past, i. 325. Lowry, vi. 248. Mary, Queen of Scots, her descendants, ii. 6 ; James Grant on, vi. 267. Penn's ' Fruits of Solitude,' i. 275. " Quice," i. 126. Richard II., his arms, vii. 250. Romanoff and Stuart pedigree, iv. 197. Royal family, i. 127. St. Barbara's emblems, xii. 168, 258. Three-candle folk- fore, vi. 508. Touching wood, vi. 130, 230. Victoria (Queen), of Spain, name-day, vii. 30 Heliodorus, ' Histoire -3Gthiopiqve,' tr. by Amyot,

ii. 508

Hell, Peter Abelard's vision of, v. 169 Hell in place-names, i. 46, 94, 156, 245, 332 ;

ii. 354, 533

Hell-Fire Club, Edinburgh, v. 90 Hell-Fire Club, Medmenham Abbey, xii. 467 Helm (W. H.) on H., its use or omission, ii. 535.

Stumps (Bill), his mark, vii, 489 Helmer (W. B.) on Conyers, iii. 489 Helmer on Bowes Castle, Yorkshire, v. 295 Helmerow (W. B.) on Barnes : origin of name, v. 308, 472. Kipling family, vi. 78. Yates family, vi. 374

Helmet of gold at Madrid, vi. 308 Helmingham Hall, Suffolk, drawbridges at, xii.


Helper, feudal, use of the word, iv. 469 Helston, " Furry Dance " at, i. 333 Helvellyn, etymology of the name, iii. 287 Hemans (Mrs.) and ' The Hebrew Mother,' viii.

446 Hemingford Abbats, inscription to John Hildesley

at, i. 414

Hemming (R.) on Byron : Biron, ii. 50. Cooper

(Thomas), iii. 415. George III.'s daughters,

v. 37. " Jan Kees," v. 111. Moke, a donkey,

vii. 415

Hemming ( William ) = Sisson Stevens, iii. 349 ;

iv. 157 Hempel (C. F.), of Cheyne Row, Chelsea, his

crucibles, iii. 307

Hems (H.) on All Fools' Day, iii. 286. Ancaster, x. 455. Bandy Leg Walk, x. 438. Banner or flag, v. 493. Bastinado as a military punish- ment, x. 397. Bathurst (Lord), and highway- man, iv. 415. Bells, v. 34. Blandina, v. 517. ' Bloody warriors," iii. 486. Bosting : kevel, xii. 76, 298. Brass as a surname, ix. 358. Breakspear (Nicholas), xi. 70. Brokeri- selde, xi. 58. Bunyan and Milton genealogies, viii. 15. Canopied pews, xi. 272. Children's action game, viii. 206. Chippendale (T. and W.) , vii. 37. Christmas custom in Somersetshire, iii. 86. Church towers and smuggled goods, xi. 238. Churchyard cough, vii. 156. Clement's Inn sundial, vi. 117. Coop, to trap, iv. 296. Copenhagen House, iv. 295. Copes and cope- chests, v. 254. Creeling the bridegroom, vii.