Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/84

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Cumberland (George), his description of Hafod

iv. 88

Cumberland (Mr.), Westminster scholar, iv. 489 Cumberland dialect, iv. 169, 294 Cumberland Hearth Tax lists, 1660-80, xii. 269,


Cumberland train bands, c. 1685, xii. 269 Cumbermere Abbey, its cartulary, iv. 229, 315 Cumbria, arms of, iii. 208 Cuming (Hy. Syer-), his library and museum, i.

409, 436 "

Cummerbund, derivation of the word, xi. 65 Cumming (Col. Sir John), his parentage, ii. 269 Cummings (W. H.) on ' Auld Robin Gray,' vi. 451. Authors of quotations, v. 137. Benbow (Admiral), his death, vii. 55. Bexfield (W. R.), iv. 315. Bibliographical notes on Dickens and Thackeray, iii. 151. Blow (Rev. William), xii. 234. Burney's ' History of Music,' x. 57. ' Cherry Ripe,' v. 297, 392. ' Come out, 'tis now September," iv. 446. Cricket, earliest mention, iv. 215. ' Death of Nelson,' iv. 412. ' Echo's Lament of Narcissus,' vi. 453. Musical composers as pianists, vii. 34. " No riches from his little store," vi. 75. " O dear, what can the matter be ? " vi. 57. Purcell's music for ' The Tempest,' ii. 270, 370. ' Rule, Britannia,' viii. 313. Savile (John), ix. 431. ' Short Explica- tion ' of musical terms, vii. 477. ' Tom Tough,' vi. 291

Cummins (A.) on authors of quotations wanted,

x. 68. ' Pleasure digging his own Grave,' x. 89

' Cunard Daily Bulletin,' first ocean newspaper,

i. 504 Cunningham (Allan), his * King of the Peak,' v.

208, 271, 337, 352, 518

Cunningham (W.) on pertesen, its meaning, xii. 249 Cunningham family motto, vii. 33, 93 Cunninghame (Col. W.) and Casanova story, xi.

147 Cupboard, " dole," meaning of the term, vi. 429 ;

vii. 16, 137

Cuplahills, derivation of the place-name, i. 189 Cupples (J. G.) on Alltree family, ix. 456. Burns's ' Mensuration School," viii. 70. Californian English, vii. 36. Edward VII. and Abraham Lincoln, vi. 445. Henley (George) of Bradley, Hants, ix. 496. Hutton Hall, vi. 209, 397. Protector's Head," inn sign, x. 156. Shaw, Bengal lawyer, iv. 288 Cupples (Rev. William), minister of Kirkoswald,

1720-1752, i. 109, 251 Cups, Maundy, 1490-1539, viii. 56, 331 Cups, wooden, in East Anglia, vii. 489 Cureton (Brigadier-General Charles), his Multanis,

iii. 269, 318, 337

Curious on courtesy titles of earls' sons, vi. 229. Drelincourt (Peter), Dean of Armagh, xi. 208. Jennings arms, iii. 308. 'Lincolnshire Family's Chequered History,' vii. 349 ; viii. 371. Magna Charta barons, xii. 149. Marriage licences, of diocese of Exeter, xii. 330. Reindeer, its spelling, viii. 358. Strawberry Hill Catalogue, xii. 492. Wharton autobiography, x. 190 Curious House, Greenwich, its history, x. 469 :

xi. 32, 111, 213 Curls, boy's, poem on, xii. 88. Curnels, " wax and curnels," children's complaint,

vii. 267, 338, 497

Curran (Mrs. Mary H.) on Ellison family, i. 268 Curran (Sarah), Robert Emmet, and Major Sirr,

iii. 303, 413, 470 ; iv. 52, 111, 310, 534 Currie (Dr. J.), date of his death, i. 285, 355, 436

Curry (Capt.), c. 1759, his biography, v. 208, 271 Curry (Frank) on " tailed " in Fuller, xii. 454. Curry (J. T.) on Adam's commemorative pillars, iv. 136. Arundel Castle legend, viii. 390. Ausone de Chancel, vi. 233 ; vii. 15. Authors of quotations wanted, x. 314. Book, nameless, iv. 123, 293. Brass at Brown Candover, ix. 316 " But for the grace of God," &c., iii. 46. Cam- den on surnames : Musselwhite, i. 314. Canova (Antonio) in England, iv. 518. Charles I., vii. 210. Churchill (Charles) : T. Underwood, iv. 357. Crucified thieves, xi. 321. Edinburgh, xii. 135. " Entre tu y yo," xi. 206. ' Et tu, Brute ! " v. 125. German Emperor and Poets Laureate, v. 237. Gloucestershire definition of a gentleman, xi. 172. " Grant me, indulgent Heaven," ii. 434. H aspirate in English writers, xii. 403. " He which drinketh well," xi. 53. Hexameters on the Bass Rock, ix. 411. Homer in the eighteenth century, xii. 68. Incached, its meaning, viii. 273. Italian proverb, ix. 493. Kirby (Richard), architect, v. 295. Latin pronunciation, ix. 81. Literary pastimes, vi. 75. Lonning, iv. 70. Melancholy, i. 212. Meswinde the Fair, ix. 8. Milton and Christ's College, Cambridge, x. 72. ' Mony a pickle maks a mickle," vi. 456. ' Near the church and far from God," vi. 496. ' Noli altum sapere," xii. 216. " Nom de guerre " and " Nom de plume," viii. 248. ' O dear, what can the matter be ? " vi. 73. Oranges, Spanish proverb on, i. 206. Pidgin or pigeon English, v. 90. Practice, a rule of arithmetic, viii. 112. Prior to = before , i . 1 1 4 . Psycholog ical moment, xi. 54. Quens or Kuens, vi. 170. Rime v. rhyme, vi. 192, 391. Rocher de Gayette, vii. 419. ' Sagacious Remarks,' vi. 414. Seven- teenth-century quotations, x. 271. Smith in Latin, v. 193. Southey's ' Omniana,' ii. 410. Speech after removal of tongue, ix. 216. Split infinitive, iii. 210. " Sub rosa," ix. 432. Talented, ii. 23. " Three guns," ii. 169. Victoria (Queen) of Spain, vii. 76. Virgil or Vergil, iv. 451. " Was you ? ' and You was," ii. 157 ; v. 32. Wyatt (Sir Thomas), his riddle, i. 164. " Yeoman service," viii. 150 Cursals, farm of, explanation of the term, ii. 509 }

iii. 12

Curse removed by legal document, ix. 287 Curses, Irish, xi. 45

Curtain lectures, early examples, vii. 226, 515 Curtin (Jeremiah), his linguistic attainments, vii. 6 Curtis (F. J.) on " one," its pronunciation, xii.


Curtis (J.) on Albion Hotel, Aldersgate Street, vi. 78. Badges of the City Guilds, vii. 457. Cateaton Street, v. 429. Catherine : Katharine : Katherine, v. 469. Charters to City Guilds, vii. 457. Court Leet : Manor Court, viii. 93. Cross-legged knights, v. 130. Deville, x. 91. Direction post v. signpost, v. 449. Dog-names, ii. 470. " Fate of the Tracys," iv. 128. Gold- smith's ' Traveller,' v. 397. Holm and mastick trees, v. 489. Male-law word, ii. 426, 453. Marylebone, xi. 416. Mineral Wells, Streatham, ii. 316. { Now this is every cook's opinion," v. 397. Oliphant (Mrs.), ' Neighbours on the Green,' xi. 27. Rebus in churches, v. 188. Secret languages, viii. 190. Semaphore signal- ling, xi. 272, 358. Tackle-house : tackle- porter, xii. 351. Tickencote Church, ii. 289. Tithing barn, ii. 477. Windmills in Sussex, vii. 276. Yorkshire dialect, iv. 190