Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/85

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Curtis (T. A.) on quotations, i. 190

Curtis family, iv. 207

Curtler (W. H. K.) on English exiles in France and

Holland, v. 148 Curwen (A. F.) on Berwick : Steps of Grace, ii. 516

Christian of Milntown, v. 334. Saxon kings :

living descendants, v. 252. ' Steer to the

Nor'-Nor'-West,' ii. 490 Curwen (J. Spencer) on tithing barn, ii. 368.

Gush (William), xii. 313 Cust (R. N.) on Florence Nightingale, ix. 268,


Custis (John), his ancestry, vii. 90 Cut his stick = " hooked it," origin of the expres- sion, viii. 348 Cuthbertson (Major N.) on authors of quotations,

viii. 230

Cuttle (Capt.), his original, i. 166, 217, 274 ' Cuttwoorkes " : ' True Perfection of Cutt-

woorkes,' ii. 149, 197 Cymbals, fires for, in translation of Linschoten's

' Voyagie,' vii. 289, 334 Cymro on Phillipps MSS. : Beatrice Barlow, ii. 28 Cymru, its derivation, v. 364 ; vi. 113 Cypripedium, derivation of the word, iv. 228 Cyprus, inscriptions in, vi. 302 Cyranus Lucii Regis Pincerna, in ' De Prsesulibus

Angliae Commentarius,' xii. 269 Cyril on Hugo's ' Les Abeilles Impe'riales,' i. 348.

Montagu (Basil), his MSS., iv. 109, 429 Czar, its correct spelling, iii. 146 Czech and the similarity of Slav languages, iii.

346 Czechs and. Germans, their antagonism, iv. 187


D, lines on words in, viii. 482

D. on Matthew Arnold's ' Church of Brou,' vi. 175. Attorney, vii. 227. Blazers, xi. 333. Buckrose, ix. 492. Bulwer (Edward and Henry), ix. 56. Cap of Liberty, x. 52. Cardigan as a surname, i. 97. Chasseur, iv. 227. Clergy in wigs, x. 16. College H^raldique de France, viii. 392. Court dress, ii. 131. Dew-ponds, xi. 474. Docwra (Sir Henry), ix. 58. Elizabeth (Queen) and New Hall, Essex, i. 15. " Entente cordiale," ix. 472. ' Field Marshall the Lord Roberts," ii. 245. Flag, the national, iii. 448 ; vii. 227. Forty days' periodicity, iv. 7. French minia- ture painter, i. 211. French Revolution pottery, iv. 252. Gibbets, iv. 251. " Go anywhere and do anything," ii. 32. Goumiers, Morocco term, viii. 296. Hanged, drawn and quartered, i. 371. Harvest Supper songs, xii. 71. Haut- ville family, vi. 493. Hoek van Holland, vii. 254. ' Hors d'ceuvre," x. 255. Hough family, xi. 475. Index saying, xi. 234. Irish Brigade, iv. 87. Kniaz, iv. 130. Knights of Windsor, iii. 5. Letters of Junius, ix. 430. Manor mesne, vi. 257. Marly horses, vii. 396. Mediter- ranean, x. 376, 495. Mince pie and plum pudding, ix. 73. " Old King Cole," xi. 13. Sundered pictures, iii. 7. Pompelmous, iii. 191. Post boxes, vi. 475. Roman Catholic, v. 327. Russian names, xi. 235. " SeVigne" (une)," xi. ^95. ' Sophy," the, v. 378. Swan-names, ii. 151. Talleyrand : last portrait, ix. 327. Torpedoes, submarines, and rifled cannon, iii. .1. Treaty of Tilsit, viii. 511. Tricolour, ii. 247, 312. Undertaker, iii. 212. " Upper Thames," x. 27. White Ensign, ix. 154. Wilkes's c Essay on Woman,' ix. 492. Wille, French engraver, ix. 27. Wotton House, x. 7

D h on authors of quotations, ix. 168. Britannia

as the national emblem, xi. 168. Green Dragon,

xi. 129. White Hart, xi. 168 D. (A.) on sea-urchin, vi. 9. Tadpole, vi. 29 D. (A. H.) on double-headed eagle, x. 198. Folk

song, xii. 128. Ranger of Greenwich Park, x.

189 D. (B.) on Corsley, Wilts, xi. 108. Oxen drawing

carriages, xi. 136

D. (B. M.) on George Fall, artist, v. 230 D. (C.) on Henry Ellison, x. 95. 'Philobiblion,'

ix. 9. Sarpi (Father) in early English literature,

iii. 144. Shelvocke (Capt. George), iii. 196.

Tomlins (T. E.), vi. 338. Tuvill or Tutevil

(Daniel), vi. 37. Wieland's ' Agathon,' viii. 457 D. (C. E.) on steering-wheel, x. 48 D. (C. L.) on heraldic surname, vi. 78 D. (D.) on Hornsey Wood House, vii. 216 D. (D. W.) on drive : whist drive, ix. 249 D. (E.) on Chavasse family, vi. 267. ' Dandy s

Ball,' ix. 109. Dobb Park Castle, ix. 90 D. (E. F.) on authors of quotations wanted, x. 428 D. (E. H.) on authors of quotations, ix. 288,

Greek and English poetry, ix. 310 D. (E. H. W.) on Phcebe Hessel, ii. 74. May

Monument, i. 497

D. (E. J. ) on Kipling : picaroon : barracpon, ix. 2d& D. (F. ) on authors of quotations, viii. 230 ; xi.

468 D. (G.) on dumping, v. 175. Lumley family, xu


D. (H.) on Knightley family, v. 250. Montfort (Simon de), his portrait, ix. 309. Quotations wanted, vi. 469. Sturmy or Esturmy family,, vii. 20

D. (H. H.) on "bonnets of blue," ii. 456. Fair maid of Kent, ii. 175

D. (H. L. L.) on Denny and Windsor families, xii. 424. Gorges (Ferdinando) of Eye, ** 8 Spanish Armada : ships wrecked off Ayrshire, xii. 393

D. (H. T.) on authors of quotations wanted, vn. 208

D. (H. W.) on Arundel Castle legend, vm. 4d4. British music publisher, earliest, viii. 4<5. Clippingdale, vi. 472. Hull Railway Report, ix. 178. Irish potato rings, iii. 149. Littleton s ' History of Islington,' viii. 156. Lowry, vi. d7d. Oldmixon, vi. 416. Rebus in churches, v. 297, 356. Seddon family, vi. 14. Shakespear- iana at Douai, vii. 517 ._., .,

D. (J.) on Corisande, iv. 247. Treaty of Tilsit,

viii. 469 D. (J.) & Son on Sir Thomas Warner's tombstone*

viii. 288 D. (J. B.) on quotations wanted, iv. 529

TT-v / T 'A.T \ _ . S~*i J_l_ i-~ \-mt , ,., i n4- rt T? 1 4 C/~l I 1

386. Shakespeariana, iv.

viii. 303 D. (K. F.) on Kniphofia, x. 333 D. (L.) on Quadi and Marcomanni, vii. 89 D. (M.) on Aspirine, xi. 352. Motherhood lat<

in life, ix. 57 ,

D. (M. C.) on CoppeVs ' La Greve des Forgerons,

xii. 469 D. (M. G.) on Kipling's ' Actions and Reactions,

xii. 329. Peacock (T. L.), x. 138 D. (M. N.) on Marly horses, vii. 211, 376 D. (N. D.) on North Devon May Day custom, n. 76: D. (Q. E.)on authors of quotations wanted, xn.