Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/182

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of Monksland. I know his ' Ireland : its Priests and its People,' 8vo, 1892.


[A notice of Dr. D. A. Doudney is included in the second volume of the Supplement to the ' D.N.B.,' his death having taken place on 21 April, 1893. A

  • Memoir,' by his eldest son and eldest daughter,

was published the same year.]

THOMAS CBEEVEY AND THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON AT BRUSSELS. There is an interesting reference, which can only apply to the immortal Thomas Creevey, in ' The Private Correspondence of a Woman of Fashion,' by Harriet Pigott, ii. 77. Miss Pigott writes from Brussels, 6 June, 1815 :

" Old C , of ' all the Talents ' of Whig memory, as quaint as ever in his manner always talking of his intense Parliamentary labours, and who knows the ways of the House of Commons better than most of its members always stepping forward with some quaint expression, or a per- tinent question which almost amounts to an imper- tinent one, resides here with his amiable family."

In addition to this valuable little sketch Miss Pigott helps to confirm the truth of Creevey 's wonderful interview with the Duke of Wellington after the battle of Waterloo, which is described in ' The Creevey Papers,' i. 236-7. On 24 June, 1815, she writes from Brussels :

" Old C , one of the ' all- talented Whigs,' who you know is half a buffoon, was a torment to us during the fearful period of the three days running to and fro, standing in everybody's way, seeking and reporting news, exclaiming,

  • but the battle cannot be lost I do not see the

.army in retreat,' etc., etc. At length, the battle o'er, England victorious, the Duke on Monday rode quietly into Bruxelles, to make arrangements for the wounded, etc. C rushes to his apartment to make his compliments.

" ' Thirty thousand men lost ! ' replied the Duke.

' ' But what a victory 1 '

' ' Thirty thousand men killed ! hard case ! ' still answered the Duke, with his usual sim- plicity of expression when speaking of his own exploits. C , who knew not what diffidence was, nor could discover its merits in another, retreated in evident disappointment at his compliments of felicitation having the appearance -of being so little appreciated ; almost doubtful, whether Wellington was in truth a hero, or whether the battle was really gained." ' Private orrespondence of a Woman of Fashion,' ii. 117-18.

There are so few references to Creevey in the published writings of his contemporaries that the above paragraphs might well be inserted in any new edition of ' The Creevey Papers.' HORACE BLEACKLEY.

T. E. BQOWN. On Friday, 9 July, at Douglas in the Isle of Man, there was unveiled by the Speaker of the House of Keys in the presence of Lord Raglan,

the Governor, and of the Keys, who had adjourned for the purpose a marble bust of the well-known Manx poet T. E. Brown. The ceremony took place in the Town Hall, the Mayor and Corporation and many of the principal inhabitants of the island also attending. Mr. A. W. Moore, C.V.O., the Speaker, pronounced a panegyric.

I think this fact should find record in ' N. & Q.' The bust was the work of my brother, Mr. J. W. Swynnerton, the sculptor, of London and Rome.


DORSET GARDENS ESTATE. At the Mart on Monday, 19 July, there were sold in fourteen lots the freehold ground rents of what is understood to be the balance of this estate, and thus ends a tenure of nearly four centuries. Noble, the local historian ('Memorials of Temple Bar,' p. 101), is not very definite as to its origin, but Stow (ed. by Kingsford, ii. 45) is sufficiently clear :

" It [Salisburie Court] hath of late time beene the dwelling, first of Sir Richard Sackuile, and now (1603) of Sir Thomas Sackuille his sonne, Baron of Buckhurst, Lord Treasurer, who hath greatly enlarged it with stately buildings."

To these earliest post-Reformation holders of the estate there are local references. Thus it was probably from here " Sir Richard Sakfeld " attended as chief mourner the burial of " Master Denham Squyre " in St. Bride's, 20 Feb., 1562/3 (Machyn's 'Diary,' p. 301). On 28 Oct., 1602, when the Lord Mayor elect was presented by the Recorder to the Lord Chancellor, " the Lord Treasurer, L. Buckhurst, spake sharpely and earnestly" of two things

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hir Majestie is desyrous should amended." One was to make provision of corn, and the other the erecting and furnish- ing of hospitals.

" Theise were things must be better regarded than they have bin : otherwise, howsoever he honour the Cytie in his priuat person, yet it is his dutie in regard of his place to call them to accompt for it." Manningham's ' Diary,' p. 73.

The property being inherited by the first Earl of Dorset, son of Lord Buckhurst, con- firmation of tenure was obtained on his compounding for defective title by giving, 25 March, 1611, a piece of land at Cricklade, which, however, according to Seth Ward, who was Bishop of Salisbury 1667-89, " was not good, nor did the value answer his [Dorset's] promise " (Calendar of State Papers, quoted in Chancellor's * The Squares of London,' p. 359 ; Noble's ' Temple Bar,' p. 161).