Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/266

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. SEPT. 11,

"Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John" (10 S. xii. 47, 95, 154).—I can vouch for the accuracy, and continued use, of the second version of the children's riming prayer given by Miss Lloyd. The lines seem to me exquisitely comforting and trustful. My little son repeats them nightly.

Cecil Clarke.

The following rimes were current in Buchan circa 1826:—

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John,
Haud my horse till I get on;
Haud him siccar, haud him sair,
Haud him by the heid o' hair!

This night when I lie down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

J. K.

Hayward's Heath.

HERALDIC : SHIELDS FRETTY AND ORDI- NARIES (10 S. xi. 349). Your correspondent, I think, will find it is allowable to put an ordinary of a metal or a colour upon a field containing both a metal and a colour. Recent popular books on heraldry go more into details such as this than was formerly the case. DIEGO.'

LORD BYRON AND CAPT. CRAWLEY (10 S. xii. 49). As to the date the following may be of use. In October, 1809, Ithaca sur- rendered to Commander George Crawley, of the Philomel, and a detachment of troops under Capt. Church. See * Battles of the British Navy,' by Joseph Allen, new ed., 1852, ii. 301. ROBERT PIERPOINT.

YORKSHIRE SIMILES (10 S. xii. 148). In Leicestershire and neighbouring counties " as fierce as a maggot " becomes " as fierce as a tick." I have often heard " He stares like a throttled earwig " in Lancashire : this refers to a startled or any unusually fixed look, and is much more characteristic than the form given by H. G. P. C. C. B.

The expression looking like " a throttled earwig " is common in Manchester. It is applied to people dressed in new clothes or wearing high collars. A bad singer is sometimes described as having " a voice like a throttled earwig." O. J. SUTTON.


JACOB COLE (10 S. xii. 129). As the eldest son of Jacob Cole's eldest daughter I may claim to be his representative, though his business came to an end long ago. He

was for many years a guest welcomed by the Broderers' Company, and may have written the song cited at 2 S. i. 285. I will inquire. . Meanwhile I may refer your correspondent to my query at 10 S. ii. 289.

CHARLES HIGH AM. * 169, Grove Lane, Camberwell, S.E.


CROW" (10 S. xii. 147). One of the earliest nursery rimes I remember is

All in a row, bend the bow, Shoot at a pigeon and kill a crow.


HENGLER'S CIRCUS : " THE PALLADIUM," ARGYLL STREET, W. (10 S. xii. 47, 116, 173). I certainly was at fault in the spelling of this street-name : Argyll is more general ;. the ' P.O.D.' so gives it.

MR. HARLAND-OXLEY'S amusing defence of Walford and The Daily Chronicle para- graphist is entirely justified, but before any contemporary " snippet " is transferred to these pages it should invariably be looked into very closely. In fact, it is well for it to be the text of an " illuminating sermon,' r if that occasions revision and amplification. ALECK ABRAHAMS.


English Heraldic Book-Stamps. By Cyril Daven- port, V. D. , F. S. A. (Constable & Co.) THIS is a delightful book, and will prove most attractive to those of our readers and there are- many of them who are interested in genealogy or heraldry.

Book-stamps must not be confused with book- plates. The book-stamp appears to have been largely in vogue during the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries, and is the impressed stamp on the outside binding of the book, a common example of which is to be seen on the binding of Burke's- ' Peerage,' or those of school and university prizes. The practice, however, of impressing a book -stamp seems to have given way in more modern times to the book-plate at any rate, among private libraries in England.

The volume consists first of all of an introduction, which contains in a concise statement (with ample illustration) the principal rules, lines, and figures of heraldry, and is sufficient to enable the reader to follow the blazoning of the book-stamps which are its principal feature. It seems to us, however, a pity that such common partition lines as " dove- tailed " and " flory-counter-fiory " are omitted; also it might have been well to add to the charges shown on p. 37 such common ones as the " estoille," the "garb," the "escallop," and the "billet." Further, we doubt the accuracy of Mr. Davenport's theories as to the origin of the dignities of " Earl " and " Viscount." Following the introduction are.-