Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/534

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.

Gray (W. Oliver), d. 1872, editor, 311 Great Eastern launched, 1857-8, 38 Greathead (John), Etonian, 1764, 349 Greathead (Peregrine F.), Etonian, 1761, 349 Greek Church in London, places of worship, 386 Greek newspaper published in London, 1860, 49,

114 " Greeks " of the Rhine, and the Creacas of

' Widsith,' 341

Green (Thomas), Etonian, 1758, 349 Gregory (Daniel), Etonian, 1759, 349 Gregory (Edward), Etonian, 1759, 349 Gregory (Robert), Etonian, 1764, 349 Grenville (Richard), Etonian, 1754, 388 Grey (Joan de), her marriage, c. 1401, 489 "Grim the Collier " =orange hawkweed, 468, 517 Grimes (Abraham), Etonian, 1757, 388 Grimes, derivation of the name, 90 Grimstone (Robert), Etonian, 1759, 388 Grinning matches, old English amusements, 86 Groom of the Stole, Court official, 295, 358, 410,


Guest-chapels, conventual, 270 Guildhall Library, the Subject Index, 147, 234 Guilds, craft and religious, and chantries, 269 Gunman (Hanson), Etonian, 1762, 388 Gunpowder Plot conspirators, print of, 469 Gwyn (Nell) and Rose Gwyn, 1663, 16 Gwyn (Rose) arrested for theft, 1663, 16


Haak (Theodore), his ' A Plain and True Narra- tive,' 1657, 88

Haig family, their motto, 505 Hall (Thomas), Etonian, 1759, 388 Hall (Thomas), Etonian, 1764, 388 Halley (Dr. Edmond), his ancestry, 408 Halley (Humphrey) and " The Unicorn," 187 Hamilton (Archibald), Etonian, 1761, 388 Hammersmith rate-books before 1795, 189 Hammond (James), 1710-42, his ' Love Elegies,'

309, 356

Hampstead Manor Court, held 1914, 7 Hampstead Road, No. 225=25, Mornington

Place, 328 Hampsthwaite Church, Nidderdale, sepulchral

slabs in, 169

Hanbury (Charles), Etonian, 1760, 388 Hanbury (John), Etonian, 1758, 388 Hanbury (William), Etonian, 1758, 388, 432 Handel (George Frederick) and the ' Harmonious

Blacksmith,' 230, 294

Hands clasped on Jewish tombstones, 178 " Handy-dandy," game mentioned 1589, 188 Hanson (John), Etonian, 1755, 388, 432 Hardy (Lieut.-Col. T. Carteret), 1757-96, incident

in Flanders, 449

Harford of Plymouth, " traitor," 1538, 309, 356 ' Harlequin,' humorous paper, 1893, 169 Harris (Charles), Etonian, 1757, 410 Harris (John), Etonian, 1765, 410 Hart family and St. Mary's Church, Eastbourne,

306 Hartop (Mrs.), reputed illegitimate daughter of

Cromwell, 32

Hat thrown into a house, meaning of, 157 Hat worn by magistrates in court, 397 Hathersage Church, arms in, 68 Hats, Parliamentary customs, 149, 231 ; standard

work on, 149, 231 Hautenville, Wilkins, and Rawdon families, 289

Hawkins (George), Etonian, 1762, 410 Hayes (James), Etonian, 1763, 410, 473 Hayley (John), Etonian, 1762, 410 Hayne (Charles), Etonian, 1763, 410 Heart-burial in churches, 35, 77, 111, 431 Heart locked with a key, origin of idea, 388 Heine, his " Convictions can build cathedrals," 275 Helmet worn at Flodden Field, 270, 392, 455 Hemans (Felicia), article on, in ' Athenaeum,' 310

Henderson ( ), his ' Life of Major Andre,' 147,


Henham (Peter), c. 1240, his MS., 349 Henry IV., his supper of hens, 150, 194, 218, 236 " Henry Hase," phrase used in coal trade, 15


Beszant family arms, 270

Bolton, four MSS. by, 90

Cadency, signs of, 50, 98

De sinople, a la fasce d'argent, 356

Emblems, floral, of countries, 349, 413, 457,

513 France and England quarterly, 281, 336, 396,

417, 458, 510

Griffin segreant upon three mounts in base, 70 Hathersage Church, arms in, 68 ' Humours of Heraldry,' by Mr. Foster, 148 Iceland, arms of, 447 Jug, arms moulded on, 270 Lichfield, Deans of, 230, 272 Lichfleld Cathedral, arms in windows, 467 Herbert (George) and ' The Return from Par- nassus,' 487

Herbert (R. C.), Etonian, 1765, 410 Herenden (Anthony) of Rutland, c. 1598, 390 Hertfordshire, monumental inscriptions, record

of, 46

Hessian troops in American War of Independ- ence, 53

Hewgill (Francis), Etonian, 1774, 410 Heywood (James), Etonian, 1765, 410 Heywood (John), dramatist, freeman of London,

1523, 128

Heywood (W.), Etonian, 1754, 410 Hibernia (William de), mason-sculptor, 331 Hidage of the county of Essex, 282 High Roding, Essex, Rectors of, 1649-1910, 228 Highways, four ancient, of England, 148 Hill (Capt. Richard) and the siege of Derry, 129 Hill (Lediard), Etonian, 1754, 410 Hinchcliff (T.), Et9nian, 1760, 410 Hissing and clapping, 108

History of England with riming verses, 267, 393 Hodges (James), Etonian, 1759, 410 Hodgkinson (J.), Etonian, 1756, 410 Hogarth (W.), his portrait of T. Morell, 148 Holborne (Francis), Etonian, 1761, 410 Holbrook (Lieut. N. D.), his feat in a submarine,

1914, 507

Holcroft (Thomas), 1745-1809, bibliography of, 1, 43, 58, 83, 122, 135, 163, 205, 244, 284, 323, 362, 403, 442, 484 ; his wife, the Countess de Marsac, 386

Holcroft family of Vale Royal, 130, 175 Holder (W. Thorpe), Etonian, 1759, 410 Hollingsworth (A. J.), c. 1850, poet, his birth- place, 329

Holmes (Sherlock), his literary pedigree, 309, 376 " Holy Thursday," applied to Ascension Day and

Maundy Thursday, 370, 435 Honecort (Wilard de), mason-sculptor, c. 1250,

331, 372, 417 Honeywood (Richard), Etonian, 1756, 410"