Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/535

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.



" Hooligan," origin of the word, 288 Hopkins (Joseph), Etonian, 1764, 410 Hornsey Lodge and Wallace's remains, 469 Horseback, devotions on, 171, 233, 334 Horton (John), Etonian, 1755, 490 Hotels, " private," origin of the term, 348, 391 Houses of historical interest, 80, 279, 280 Howard (Abraham), Etonian, 1756, 490 Howard (Sir Philip), M.P. 1661-81, 129, 178 " Huckleberry," origin of the word, 106 Huguenot regiments in English service, 1689-

1725, 68

Hull (Thomas), Etonian, 1759, 490 Humphry (Ozias), miniatures by, 348, 394 Huniades, Sir William Temple on, 107, 155 Hunter (W. Orby), Etonian, 1761, 490 " Hurley-hacket," origin of " hacket " in, 150,

237, 274

Husbands (William), Etonian, 1758, 490 " Husky," American slang word, 329


" I " or " we " in authorship, 288, 336, 433, 514

Ice, its use for domestic purposes, 73

" lebie horse," the meaning of, 130, 175

' Illustrated London News ' and postage, 250

" Inck," surnames with the terminal, 268, 318

' Independance Beige,' its publication during

the German invasion, 1914, 345 India, German critics of, 470 Ingham (Sir John de), his pedigree, 150 Innes (Alexander), D.D., Westminster, 1728, 29, 96 Inscriptions : monumental, in Hertfordshire, record of, 46 ; St. Mary's Churchyard, Amers- ham, 216 ; in the Ancien Cimeti^re, Mentone, 326, 383, 464, 504 ; on bell, Oxfordshire, 1752, 328 ; quotation from J. Scaliger, 387 ; on brass, Queen's College, Oxford, 387, 432 ; at Cadenabbia, 407 ; " Monumentum poni cura- vit," 468, 515

Insectivorous plants, 450, 495 Insurance of food supplies, 208 lona, derivation of the place-name, 18 lorwerth ab Espus of Glamorgan, 1194, 187 Irish Parliament, transcripts of debates, 348 Irish pillar-stones, 167 Irish Volunteers, 1778, their history, 230, 277,

298, 375

Irving (James), Etonian, 1759, 490 Irving (Washington), his ' Kip van Winkle,' 509 Isherwood (Thomas), Etonian, 1755, 490

' Jackdaw of Rheims,' its pedigree, 107

Jackson (W.), musician, 1784, 211

James (Montague), Etonian, 1758, 490

James (Thomas), Etonian, 1758, 490

Jane, Duchess of Gordon, ship wrecked in 1809,

115 Japanese superstition, purchasing of dreams, 421,


Jenner (Thomas), Etonian, 1764, 490 Jennings (George), Etonian, 1758, 490 " Jeroboam," wine bottle, its capacity, 365 Jesuit hiding in lady's bedroom, c. 1620, 108 Jewish people, Voltaire on, 33 Jews and the War, 247 Jingles, in Latin, origin of, 250, 298, 337, 392,


Johannes, " Brother Johannes," his prophecy, 1600, 370, 397, 418, 494

John (Father) of Cronstadt, bibliographical items, 289, 337

John (King), a justification of, 156

Johnson (Samuel), his copies of Burton's ' Ana- tomy of Melancholy,' 117 ; poem attributed to, 304

Johnston (Andrew), Etonian, 1765, 490

Johnston (Arthur), bibliography of, 346

Johnston (Peter), Etonian, 1762, 490

Johnston family, 69

Johnstone (Richard), Etonian, 1763, 490

" Jolly Robbins," allusion to, 1596, 249, 315, 377

Jones (Isaac), Etonian, 1762, 490

Jones (John), Etonian, 1765, 490

Jones (Richard), Etonian, 1758, 490

Jones (Thomas), Etonian, 1758, 490

Jonquil (Genie), alluded to by Gray, 274

Jonson (Ben), lines quoted in his ' Poetaster,' 26, 266 ; and " monstrous " possessive case, 204

Judges addressed as " Your Lordship," 89, 33;

Judith, the story of, in the Lectionary, 389, 418

Jug, arms moulded on, 270


" Keavel," in place-names, 327, 377, 413 Kempthorne (Rev. John), B.D., 1775-1838, hymn- writer, 401, 422

"Kennedie " referred to in Scotch ballad, 190 Kennedy family, 234 Kentish tokens of 18th century, 449, 514 Khaki uniform for soldiers, the use of, 289 " Kilton," tavern sign near Knutsford, 365 Kinderley (Mrs. Mary), her will, 1818, 368, 418 " King of Prussia," tavern sign, 229, 275, 298, 355 " Kingdom " of Fife, the designation, 449 Kingsley (Sir Adam de), c. 1160, 149 Kipling (Rudyard), his poem ' Fighting Bobs,'

429, 472

Knights, pedigrees of, 149, 197, 260 Konigsmark (Count), his death, 1686, 487 Krupp factory in 1851, 506

" Kultur," meaning of the word, 331, 377, 412, 452, 517

Lade (Sir John), c. 1750, " Mr. B ck," and

" Black D ," 269, 316, 357, 394, 472 Ladies, Royal, as colonels-in-chief, 27 " Lady," title for wife of a knight, 131 ' Lady's Pocket Magazine ' and ' Athenaeum,' 310 " Laik," origin of the word, 170, 217 Lake (Sir Launcelot du) in ' Widsith,' 141 Lamb (Charles), his ' Mr. H ' in America, 350,


Lamb (John), Westminster scholar, c. 1700, 369 Lamb (William), Westminster scholar, K.S. 1675,


Lanark, French marriages in, 1812, 367 Landmarks of London, disappearance of, 26, 389,

407, 426, 434

Lang (Andrew), Pindar, and Mr. G. O. Smith, 129 Langbaine and Alcock families, Sussex, 190, 235,


Langley (Adam), Westminster scholar, r. 1700, 369 Langley (Samuel), Westminster scholar, K.S.

1678, 369 Language and physiognomy, their association, 158,

196, 354