Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/526

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Notes and Queries, July 31, 1915.

Organs, mention of, 1508, 1575, 413

Oseney School house, picture of an ox, 1317, 413

Osorio (Lady Ana de), Vice- Queen of Peru, 1638, 37

Overbury (Sir T.), his ' Characters.' Webster and, 313, 335, 355, 374

'" Overseers," appointed over executors of a will, 1670, 129, 104

" Ow," pronunciation of, formerly " oo," 36

Oxford, Catechist at Christ Church, 1634-78, 174 ; holy well at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 230, 265 ; St. Giles's Church, 381 ; " Corne- feria," Corn Market so called, 1324, 413 ; Edmund Hall, his kitchen furniture, 1707, 413 ; " great school," Hospital of St. John B., 413 ; Oseney School house, picture of an ox, 1317, 413 ; rainstorm and flood, 1280, 413 ; Uni- versity Sermon, 1663, 413

" Oxford English Dictionary.' See New English Dictionary

Oxfordshire, Heralds' Visitations, 1634 and 1668, 266, 346, 407, 443

Oxfordshire landed gentry, 1634, 266, 346, 407, 443

"' Pacifist," " pacificist," use of the word, 379 Pack-horses, use and equipment of, 267, 329, 362,

440, 497

Packet-boat charges c. 1668, 110, 213 Paget heraldry in Lichfield Cathedral, 230 Paget (Sir J.), bibliography and references, 453 Paper, gilt-edged, used 1584, 413

  • ' Parasol " and " sunshade," the difference, 29

Parchment, obtained from Scotland c. 1130, 413 Paris, manners of University of, c. 1170, 413 Parish registers, strayed volumes located, 397,


Parishes in two or more counties, 421 Park Lane, old tree in, 228, 289 Parker family of Gloucestershire, 106 Parker and Elliott families, 229 Parsee investiture in London, 1915, 185 Parselle (J.), alumnus of Aberdeen, b. 1820, 453 Parsons (Edward), Etonian, 1758, 110, 235 Passe (Crispin Van der), his print of the Gun- power Plot conspirators, 95

Pattle (Eliza S.) = K. Gibbon Wakefield, 68, 115 Pavlova, pronunciation of the name, 36 "' Peace with honour," origin of the phrase, 209 Peaceable, as a surname, 1766, 207 <l Pecca tcrtiter," Luther's " tamo us advice,"

148, 195

Pelasgic, alleged survival of ancient, 109 Penn (William), petition from his grandson and

widow, 413, 459

Penny " bank note," 1810, 301 Perambulations " in surplice and tippet," 1641, 413 Pershore, Gervase elected Abbot cf, 1204, 413 Perthes-les-Hurlus, name explained, 90, 154 Peters (Second Lieut. W. H.), Royal Keg. Artillery,

d. 1789, 131 " Petit roi de Pe>onne," origin of the phrase,

91, 154

Pevensey, origin of place-name, 351, 389 Pews, dissertation on the rights to, 1714, 413 " Peril garpent," origin of the phrase, 298 Philips (Ambrose), friend of Addison and Swift,

321 Physician of 18th century on predestination, 67,


Physiological surnames, 147, 237, 370

Piccadilly, horse on column, 1720, 29, 94 ; " the

Terrace in," 1815, 361, 437, 498 Piccadilly Circus and Regent Circus, 14, 51, 98,

136, 155, 198 Picture, Grand Canal, Venice, by Bonington, 88,

133, 256 Pictures, number destroyed by Puritans, 151,195,

217, 327

Piddington, Northants, the church, 1641, 414 Pidgeon (Elizabeth), her epitaph, 168 Pindar, Ben Jonson's quotation from, 267 Place-names : Alcester, 261 ; Barlow, 30, 78 ;

" clyst " in, 361, 437 ; Dublin, changes in, 416 ;

Hammersmith, 128, 194, 236 ; Leominster, 277 ;

Mankinholes, 267, 369 ; Perthes-les-Hurlus, 90,

154 ; Pevensey, 351, 389 ; Polegate, Sussex,

149, 194 ; Sherborne, Shireburn, 131 ; " Spon "

and " Spoon " in, 431, 499 Place-names, French, adjectives from, 116 Plays, some characters in old, 320, 409 Plunket (Baron) and Hugh Price Hughes, 453 Poem on statue of King Charles II., Royal

Exchange, 1684, 30, 114 Pogson (John), Etonian, 1765, 110, 235 " Poilu," nickname for French soldier, 470 Poland, the King of, in 1719, 379 Pole (Cardinal), his letters, 414 "Pole"=pool, "the pole Exanthe," 46, 67, 94 Polegate, Sussex, origin of place-name, 149, 194 Polhill family, 170

Poliynac and Campbell families, 399 Polish, the pronunciation of, 122, 168, 217 Pontypool, printing press at, 1727, 6 Popham (Sir Home Riggs), his mother, 347 " Porphyrogenitus," meaning of the word, 87 Portraits, family, at Easton Maudit, 63 Poseidon and Athene, variations of the myth,


Post Office, plan for a, penny post, c. 1682, 414 Potter (Abraham and Humphrey), steam engines

erected by, c. 1725, 15

" Pound " for prisoners, use of the word, 471 Prayer-book, Dutch, 1744, its whereabouts, 452 Prayers for animals offered in church, 265, 330 Predestination, physician of 18th century on,

67, 192 Preston- [Deanery], Northants, the church, 1641,

414 Preston, dedication of the parish church of, 362,


Price family, 301, 409 Princess and crumpled rose-leaf, story, 34 Printers of Cirencester, 141 Printers' work, manual of, 301, 368 Printing, called " ars fcrmularia," 1498, 414 Printing press at Pontypool, 1727, 6 Prisoners, English, in France in 1811, 66, 116 Pritchard (John), Shropshire solicitor, 1759-1837,


Procopius, Amalafrida in, 211, 286 Pronunciation, its changes, 121, 214, 287 ' Protector,' weekly newspaper, 1851, 418 Proverb, Greek, that " condemns a man of two

tongues," 301, 384

Proverbs and Phrases:

All 's fair in love and war, 151, 198

As sound as a roach's, 18, 96

By hook or by crook, 66, 215

Children to bed and the goose to the fire, 429

Day : The Day ! 7

Duck's news, 110, 174