Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/527

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Notes and Queries, July 31, 19,5. SUBJECT INDEX.


Proverbs and Phrases:

Duck's storm : goose's storm, 188, 254, 370

Et ego in Arcadia vixi, 228

Evil and good are God's right hand and left,


From China to Peru, 6 Ground-hog case, 185 Hair drawn through milk, 185, 272 KpvTnr, Kalvap, KvXrvp, altv rpia Kdirira K&Ktffra.

209, 255, 330 Peace with honour, 209 Petit roi de Pe>onne, 91, 154 Piraeus mistaken for a man, 9, 57 Quite a few, 58 Eoper's news, 110, 174 Le Roy ne veult : Le Roy s'avisera, 451 Scarborough warning, 46, 95, 136, 158, 233 Skyreburn warning, 95, 136, 158 Tune the old cow died of, 248, 309, 443, 501 Wait till the tail breaks, 207 Well 1 Of all and of all ! 299, 370 " Prsvry," &c., exercise on the letter E, 318, 435,

Psalms, metrical versions of, 1613, 414 Psalter of St. Columba, Irish MS., 466 Puleston (Allen), Westminster scholar, 400, 437 Pullein (Rev. S.), translator of Vida, 1750, 338 Pullen (Rev. H. W.),his ' Fight at Dame Europa's

School,' 93

Pullen (.Toe), made famous by his tree, 414 Punctuation, its importance, 49, 131, 177, 217 Puritan ordeal in the 19th century, 37 Puritans, number of pictures destroyed by, 151, <{ 195, 217, 327 " Pyramid in London," meaning of the phrase, 57

Quarter-deck, sailors' custom of saluting the, 8, 53 " Quay," " key," pronunciation, c. 1300, 90, 127 Quetta, ship wrecked, ^memorial at Thursday

Island, 25, 476.

Queues in the Army abolished, 1808, 324 " Quiet Woman," tavern sign near Buxton, 338 Quincey (Thomas de), on " time for direct intellec- tual culture," 166, 218 ; puzzling sentence in an essay, 228, 305

Quinquagesima, Humility Sunday, preachers' texts for, 250

Quotations :

Although to smatter words of Greek, 299 And all for thee, vile yellow slave, 340 And the gallery all started hissing, 473 And this it is to have lived, 210 Beware of the fury of a patient man, 168,


But I a looking-glass would be, 27 . . . .Did bear her to the ground, 430, 477 Conturbabantur Constantinopolitani, 109, 156,

174, 346 Evil and good are God's right hand and left,


Far-off, most secret and inviolate Rose, 280 God the All-Terrible 1 King, who ordainest,

248, 308

Hail, Eternal, by whose aid, 170, 217 Hail, Noble Founders of this vast Design,

30, 114

Hair drawn through milk, 185, 272 He summed the actions of the day, 379

Quotations :

Here we come gathering nuts and may, 493 1 am not afraid of accident so long as I am

in my place, 190

I never had a piece of toast, 379, 461, 478 I will remember while the light is yet, 168 If I stoop | Into a dark tremendous sea of

cloud, 250, 306 Impaled | On every side with shadowing

squadrons deep, 209 It 's a very good world this to live in, 228,


It 's all very well to dissemble your love, 430 Kcu KTjTTWpbv fturw rbv K pifav ^KT^VOVTOL TO.

\dxava, 108, 174

Le vin est vers4 ; il faut le boire, 31 Let the youngest among us remember that

he is not infallible, 453 Life is a romance, 401, 500 London Bridge is broken down, 401, 461,


Magna est veritas et (?), 34 Mathought the lone river that murmured

along, 108

Never grow old in the streets of gold, 494 No woman over thirty is worth looking at,


Not out of envy, for there 's no effect, 5 Now as long as France and England shall

give birth to warlike men, 494 Now the evening shadows closing, 170, 217 Of all the gay birds that e'er I did see, 150 Of some the dust is Irish earth, 89, 136, 154 Over the hills and far away, 17, 35, 57, 73 Piraeus mistaken for a man, 9, 57 Quis separabit meum atque tuum pendente

vita, 494 Quondam equidem (et memini) sophiae sub

marte severae, 381 Religion brought forth Riches, and the

daughter devoured the mother, 90, 174 Round he spun and down he crashed, 401 Sure there are poets that did never dream,

90, 135

Sweet eyes of starry tenderness, 430 The dismal yew and cypress tall, 89 The glowing sunsets gild its face, 299, 332 The most eloquent voice of our century, 230 The Pope, my Lords ! Four letters, things,

not names ! 7, 59, 72 Their sword, death's stamp, where it did

mark, it took, 360, 412 Then from out his mouth he spat, 379 There is no great and no small, 230 There shall no tempests blow, 338 There 's an isle far off under India s skies,


These thre crownys historyaly t'applye, 149 Thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel

just, 150, 271

Unanswered yet ? Faith cannot be un- answered, 360, 478 Ut unaquaeque ars nobilissima ac divmissima

fuit, 109

Wait 1 and the clouds of sorrow, 229 When little children sleep, the Virgin Mary,

189 Who loves the light, | To him the dawn shall

rise anew, 321 Words that a surgeon should never use,

jamais and iou jours, 453 Yielding up their bacheloric ideas, 69