Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/644

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1912.

Quotations :

That most perfect of antiques, 129, 237 The authoress of a famous modern romance,


The East bent low and bowed her head, 129 The ferocious, the inevitable, the untameable

piano, 69

The law condemns the man or woman, 129 The scales that fence, 230 The scent of violets hidden in the grass, 129 The success of that petty province of Holland,

230, 371 The third part of these people could not tell,

230, 336 There are people who think they write and

speak finely, 230

There in that smallest bud lay furled, 327 There is so much bad in the best of us, 240 They serve me in princely fashion, 327 Those rude days are gone, 327 Though absence parts us for a while, 449 Till books, and schools, and courts, and

honours seem, 129

To-morrow I will live, the fool does say, 388 Transient and embarrassed phantoms, 468 'Twas thou that smooth'd'st the rough

rugg'd bed of pain, 268, 411 Vice may give pleasure, Virtue may give pain,


Wacht auf , es nahent gen dem tag ! 254 Were I a rose, with sweet caress, 449 What miscreant knave dares disturb the

quiet of Old Wiscard's grave? 28, 137 When through this world of care and strife,

310 Who laughs at sin laughs at his own disease,


Whose seedfield is Time, 290, 435 Why come not angels from the realms of

glory, 348 With patient steps the path of duty run, 69,


You can fool all people some time, 488 Quotations, Latin, in Fraunce's ' Victoria,' 446 Quotations in Washington Irving's ' Sketch-Book,' 14

B. (J.), Letters to Lord Orrery by, 8, 57, 158 B. (R.), contributor to ' N. & Q.,' 1860, 28 Babbit, white, and St. Agatha's Day, 349 Bailway travel, early impressions, 29, 113, 190 Becords, marriage, of Gretna Green, 110, 237 Becords, municipal, list of printed, 73, 297, 352,

398, 478

Becfeors of Amersham, 1660-1753, 169 " Regatta," West-Country use of the word, 287 Begent's Park centenary, 107, 405, 517 Begimental sobriquet : Britannia Regiment, 136 Begiments, Swiss, in British service, 491 Begister transcribers of 1602, 130, 216, 271 Begisters : of Congregational Church, Tonbridge,

186 ; non-parochial, publication of, 290 ; of

St. Sepulchre, London, 309 ' Bejected Addresses,' centenary of, 165 Belie Bureau suggested, 147 Bembrandt and Manasseh Ben Israel, 429 Bepublican medallion, French, 427 Betheres Lane, old London street-name, 247 Bevolution, 1688-90, memorials in Devon of, 147 Bevolution Society, Bill of Bights Society, &c.,

71, 152

Beynolds (John Hamilton), and song ' Go back to

Brummagem,' 1820, 88, 172, 220, 237, 337 Blie", disaster at, 1627, 370 Rhetorique family, 506 Rhinoceros, first, in England, 1684, 46 Richards family of Bramley House, 66, 177 Richardson (Capt. Sir R.), Nova Scotia, d. 1752, 48 Richardson (Joseph), bookseller, d. 1763, 148 Richelieu and N. Le Vasseur, engineer, 1748, 70 Richter (J. P. F.), English translations of, 290,


Ridley (Roger), Winchester scholar, 1570, 166 Rimes, Cornish, in an epitaph, 327 Rings : worn by shepherds, 309 ; worn on the

thumb, 409

Rings, signet, the wearing of, 229 Ringwood family, 489

Robin Hood Society, reason of the name, 367, 473 Robinson family, 507 Rogers (Jonathan), Russian Court physician,

d. 1811, 308

Roman coins, brass, widely scattered, 226, 374 Roman empress, use of the title, 148, 254 Roman inscription at Hyeres, 407, 497 Roman system of calculation, 108, 173, 271 Roman wit, collection of, 427 Rood-loft, vestry note, 1593, 287, 376 Rosebery (Lord) and the superfluity of books, 87 Ross family of Balnagowan, 290 Rothschild and Buxton, conversation between,

309, 414 " Roving Englishman," author's identity, 1857,


Royal Charlotte, ships named, 229, 352 Ruddock family, 170

' Rule, Britannia,' its chorus, 309, 415, 516 Busden (G. W.), Dickens's letters to, unpublished,

86 Russell (Dr. Bichard), " father of modern

Brighton," 35

Bussell (Lord), his execution, 439, 512 Ryan (G.) on Lord Cardigan at Balaclava, 508

Sachs (Hans), his ' Reformation Hymn,' 167

254 ' Sacrifice of Isaac,' Chester play, anachronism in,

46, 157 St. Agatha's Day and white rabbit, old custom,

349 St. Agnes, folk-loreof Kcats'spoem, 47, 112, 156,

275 ' St. Albans Ghost,' political squib, 1712, 187,

275 St. Bartholomew massacre, medal struck by the

Pope in commemoration, 390, 474 St. Bride's Religious Society, J. Pridden on, 376 St. Cutbbert, terms describing his birds, 48, 115 Ste. Genevieve, fourteenth centenary of, 502 St. James's boat a cockle-shell, 409 St. John (B.), his 'Village Life in Egypt,' 88,

176 St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, inscription, 1504,

165 St. Laluwy, his (or her) life and works, 71, 317,


St. Leonard, Exeter, vicars of, 1675-1840, 330 St. Leonard's Hospital, York, document of 1503,


Sta. Maria degli Angeli, Rome, inscription at. 325 St. Pancras, 1817, a sketch of, 67 St. Peter's, Bengeworth, demolished, c. 1869, 468 St. Publius, Bishop of Malta, 189